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时间:2021-11-09 19:57来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 明挖法;隧道;衬砌;设计;配筋

The structural design of right line open trench tunnel in the line 2 of Guiyang light rail

Abstract:This design is designed for the right line of the right line in guiyang light rail no。 2。 The tunnel is located in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, from low mountains to excessive hilly area, altitude elevation between 1000 ~ 1500 m, most parts of the relative elevation difference within 200 m, the line from lower right YCK46 + 434 northing new ramp, GuiXin Road and ramp fill subgrade of water after the depression, GuiXin Road and airport road station along the northing new equipped to small garden station, YCK46 + 434 ~ YCK46 + 579 section of the construction of the excavation method。 The tunnel is buried deep at 11。03 m, and the soil layer is mainly of mixed soil, with the form of a horseshoe section in the form of a composite lining。 This design main content is the main body design of tunnel structure and main dimensions, and detailed load calculation, internal force calculation and tunnel structure stress calculation, at the same time to the lining structure by using reinforced, and need to draw eight design related drawings。 Through the above design, the experience is calculated, the design is reasonable, the plan is feasible。

KeyWords: The tunnel; Lining; Reinforcement; Open trench method 


1 绪论1

1。1 概述1

1。2 设计依据…1

1。3 设计范围…1

1。4 课题的目的和意义2

1。5 国内外研究现状与水平…2

 1。6 发展趋势…3

 1。7 研究范围及设计要求4

 1。8 结构耐久性要求…5

 1。9 指导思想…6

 1。10 解决主要问题…6

2 工程概况…7


2。2 地形地貌…7

2。3 地层岩性…7

2。3。1 第四系覆盖层7

2。3。2 基岩8

2。4 地质构造及地震烈度…8

2。4。1 地质构造…8

2。4。2 地震烈度…8

2。5 水文地质条件8


2。5。2 地下水9

2。6 不良地质现象…9

2。6。1 岩溶…9

2。6。2 煤系地层、采空、瓦斯情况及石膏层…9

2。6。3 软塑红黏土层9

2。6。4 理力学参数建议值…9

  2。6。5 工程地质条件评价及注意事项10

3 隧道平、纵断面设计…11

3。1 隧道平面设计11

3。2 隧道纵断面设计…12

3。2。1 隧道内纵坡形式的确定12

3。2。2 隧道内纵坡坡率的确定12

3。2。3 隧道纵断面的确定…12

3。3 隧道净空确定…13

3。3。1 限界定义13

3。3。2 直线隧道净空的确定原则…13 贵阳轻轨2号线机小区间右线明挖隧道结构设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_84570.html
