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时间:2022-12-13 22:19来源:毕业论文





Study on the application of Six Sigma Management in enterprise quality improvement

 Abstract In today's global environment full of fierce competition, in order to pursue long-term development and also maintain an invincible position in the long run, it is necessary to be able to improve the quality of products and services fundamentally。 Six Sigma is an innovative approach to improve quality through renovating from top to bottom, which helps to reduce costs, optimize process and enhance the quality of work。 

This paper first introduces the purpose and significance of the topic, related theories and researches from home and abroad。 Then it comes to the concept, main content and procedures of Six Sigma management which leading to the Six Sigma management tools and methods。 Combined with the work experience from learning quality management, the problems encountered in work need to be analyzed through Six Sigma method, therefore help to bring benefit to company by improving quality during work。

This paper attempts to introduce the application of Six Sigma Management System in enterprise quality enhancement by the case analysis。 Through quality analysis and improvement, Henglixin Company reduced scratching and scoring ratio from 6。43% to 0。98%。Also the defection ratio caused by roughness was lowered from 16。24% to 2。23%,which saved the production cost for company。

Keywords: Six Sigma;DMAIC;Quality Improvement;Quality Management

目  录

0引言 1

1恒利信发展现状及存在问题 2

1。1 恒利信企业介绍 2

1。2 企业在质量管理方面存在的问题 2

2六西格玛基本理论 3

2。1 六西格玛的概念 3

2。2 主要内容 4

2。3 六西格玛管理工作程序 4

2。4 六西格玛管理工具和方法 5

2。5 小结 5

3 DAMIC方法在产品质量改进中的应用 5

3。1 定义阶段(D) 5

3。2 测量阶段(M) 11

3。3 分析阶段(A) 15

3。4 改进阶段(I) 17

3。5 控制阶段(C) 18

3。6 小结 19

结 论 20

致 谢 六西格玛管理在企业质量改进中的应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_109382.html
