关键词 经济圈 交通安全 评估 层次分析法
Title:Economic circle road safety situation assessment
With the rapid economical development of china,the traffic demannd of every economic circle become larger and larger,which is led to the increasing of the traffic volume.More and more people become a part of the transportation system,weather as a driver or a passenger.Under the circumstances,the traffic participants take the topic of traffic safety more seriously.
In order to improve the level of the traffic safety in economic circle,we must have a set of effective economic circle traffic safety situation assessment plan,through which to evaluate traffic safety and and thus to make a better one of it.
This article established economic circle traffic safety situation assessment model based on analytic hierarchy process by modifying and existing situation assessment model of traffic safety at home and abroad for reference, and combine the characteristics of the economy itself and the characteristics of traffic flow in economic circle. This article also collected traffic data of three big economic circle in our country, and evaluate the traffic sfaety of three major economic circle through the established model and to show their highlight the main defects by comparing the three economic circle of the traffic safety status.
keywords economic circle traffic safety evluate analytic hierarchy process
1.绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和研究目的 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
2.经济圈道路交通安全态势评估指标体系 4
2.1经济圈定义 4
2.2经济圈道理安全影响因素分析 4
2.3系统建立的原则 7
2.4 评估系统的指标 8
3.道路交通安全态势评估方法 14
3.1层次分析法方法简介 14
3.2层次分析法在经济圈道路安全评价中的应用 18
4.国内经济圈道路安全态势分析 25
4.1长三角经济圈 25
4.2珠三角经济圈 31
4.3京津冀经济圈 37
4.4三大经济圈综合分析 44
总结和展望 46
致谢 47
1.1 研究背景和研究目的
随着经济圈内公路系统的不断快速发展,交通事故灾害数量也在不停的增加。全国每年交通事故死亡人数20世纪五优尔十年代为几百人至几千人,70年代为一两万人,而到了80年代高达四五万人,1992年死亡人数为58729,居世界第一,平均每万车死亡31.3人"其后更是逐年攀升,2003年死亡人数突破一万,达到104240人。从2003年以后,道路交通事故数量有所下降,但是严重性和毁灭性却日益严重。在今后很长一段时间,随着经济的发展和居民收入的不断增加,小汽车的保有量和各种货运车辆的数量呈现爆炸式的增长模式,会使得道路上的交通量不断的在增加,交通事故的发生频率还会保持在一个较高的水平上。 经济圈道路安全态势评估+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_11001.html