通过对相关文献的回顾,本文以消费者行为学为理论基础,以问卷的形式收集杭州周边地区生鲜消费者的数据,运用SPSS软件进行描述性统计和二元Logistic回归分析。研究表明:虽然目前消费者通过网络购买生鲜的频率不高,但购买意愿较高,这说明生鲜电商还大有可为之处。同时在回归分析中得出:“信任程度”因素对消费者的购买意愿影响最为显著。“了解程度”“生鲜平台服务态度” “支付安全及便利度”也都通过了显著性检验。
Abstract Fresh produce is an indispensable part of people live。 With the rapid development of the Internet, fresh produce E-commerce became the last blue ocean in the e-commerce market。 At the same time, how the sellers to use the Internet to sell fresh products and meet the needs of consumers, how the government to regulate the fresh produce E-commerce market and enhance the competitiveness of China's fresh produce。 This paper is based on consumer demand, to explore the fresh food online shopping consumer’s psychology and behavior, and find the main factors which affecting the decision of consumers。 Then the paper will combined with the relevant knowledge to provide fresh produce E-commerce business and government departments with the ways how to promote the development of fresh produce E-commerce。
Through the review of the relevant literature, this paper is based on the consumer behavior theory。 This paper will also collected questionnaire investigation about fresh produce online shopping Consumers’ data in Hangzhou and around cities。 Then the paper will use SPSS to do descriptive statistics and binary regression。 Finally the research shows that: Although the Purchase frequency of consumers to buy fresh through the network is not high, but the Purchase intention is high, so the prospects of fresh produce E-commerce are bright。 At the same time, we can also know that “Trust degree”, “understanding degree”, “service attitude of Fresh produce E-commerce platform”, “security and convenience of Payment” all passed the significant test。 And “Trust degree” is the most significant factor。
Keyword: fresh produce; online shopping consumer; consumer behavior;binary regression model
目 录
第一章 绪论 5
1。1研究背景 5
1。2研究目的及意义 5
1。3研究目标及内容 6
1。3。1研究目标 6
1。3。2研究内容 6
1。4研究方法及技术路线 6
1。4。1研究方法 6
1。4。2技术路线 7
1。5本文可能的创新和不足 7
第二章 理论基础及文献综述 生鲜食品网购消费者心理与行为分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_195175.html