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时间:2023-11-26 15:04来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Establish three first-level indicators, 9 secondary index of innovation resources index evaluation system to measure the 46 state-level development zone in Jiangsu province regional innovation resources  distribution,  characteristics  and its  temporal  development  trend。  Data selection  in 2005, 2009 and 2014, three sequence points, to standardize  data processing  and weight assignment and use the ArcGIS map project, clearly reflect the distribution patterns of innovation  resources  in  Jiangsu   province  in  the  prefecture  level。   CV calculated   using  the  standard  deviation  coefficient   of sigma   and  mutation   differential  coefficient   and characteristics  of cities in the area of the three major differences in Jiangsu province, found that the state-level development zone in Jiangsu province exists  regional  agglomeration  of innovation  resources present situation,  shows the characteristics  of the pyramid  of gathering,  namely  mainly  gathered in  south  Jiangsu,   among  them,  Suzhou  is the  height   of the  agglomeration  of innovation resources area, middle area and the Xuzhou state-level development zone, innovation and development, the formation of the corresponding characteristic industry to accelerate the development,  for concentrated  area, 4 cities  in  north of Jiangsu  province   country  development   innovation resources  to keep the  development  trend  of high  growth。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Key words: national development zones,innovative resources, time and space differentiation,Jiangsu  province

1引言 3

2江苏省国家级开发区概况 3

3指标选择、数据来源及研究方法 4

3。1创新资源指标选择 4

3。2数据来源 5

3。3研究方法 6

4江苏省国家级开发区创新资源的集聚特征 7

4。1创新财力资源 7

4。2创新人力资源 7

4。3创新知识资源 8

4。4创新资源指数 10

5 江苏省国家级开发区创新资源集聚的时空分异特征 江苏省国家级开发区创新资源的集聚特征时空分异特征:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_199019.html
