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时间:2023-12-20 22:19来源:毕业论文

摘  要:法治政府的建设是在建设中国特色社会主义道路中摸索得出的结论,基于理论层面,在中国法治理念不断加强,公众作为行政活动的利益相关人,其对法治建设带来的便利表现出一种强烈的渴望。而如今中国行政复议制度却没有使公众满意,制度的缺点也逐渐暴露,行政复议案件没有得到很好地解决,社会矛盾冲突更加多元化。由此,中国发展之路出现的新问题,对党而言也是一个新的课题。因此,要想中国的发展之道路上越走越远,我们就必须勇敢地接受新课题的挑战,推动中国的行政复议制度的改革与完善,使其顺应时代的发展和进步。由此本文对中国行政复议制度进行了研究分析,希望可以为中国的法治建设提供一定的参考意见。92176


Research and analysis of the system of administrative reconsideration

Abstract:The construction of the rule of law in the construction of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics to explore the conclusion, based on the theoretical level, the concept of rule of law in China has been strengthened, the public as the interests of administrative activities, the convenience of the construction of the rule of law to show a Kind of strong desire。 And now China's administrative reconsideration system has not made public satisfaction, the system's shortcomings are gradually exposed, administrative reconsideration case has not been well resolved, more contradictory social conflicts。 Thus, the new problems of China's development path, the party is also a new issue。 Therefore, in order to farther and farther on the road of China's development, we must bravely accept the challenge of new issues and promote the reform and perfection of China's administrative reconsideration system so as to conform to the development and progress of the times。 In this paper, the author analyzes the administrative reconsideration system in China, hoping to provide some reference for the construction of the rule of law in China。

Key Words: Administrative reconsideration system; Administrative disputes; Credibility


引言 2

一、行政复议制度的概念 2

二、我国行政复议制度在化解行政争议中的作用 2

三、我国行政复议制度的现存问题 3

(一)行政复议受案范围过窄 3

(二)行政复议机构及工作人员独立性及专业性差 4

(三)行政复议程序缺失 4

(四)行政复议制度的公信力蒙受质疑 5

四、完善行政复议制度的构想 5

(一)扩大行政复议的受案范围 6

(二)强化行政复议机构的独立性建设,提升行政复议办案人员的专业化水平 6

(三)引入行政复议准司法化程序 6

(四)加大行政复议制度的监督提升公信力 7

结语 8

参考文献 8

致  谢 9


随着政府机关行政权的膨胀,行政争议案件日益增多,行政相对人的正当权益的得不到保障,为了保护其合法权益,防止行政权的滥用,缓和官民矛盾,我们必须改革完善行政复议制度,使其在社会管理更好地发挥作用。 行政复议制度的研究分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_199793.html
