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时间:2024-05-03 08:53来源:95261

摘 要:随着经济的发展,消费水平的提高,消费者对于产品需求越来越追求个性化和多样化,这样的市场需求使企业的生产类型由传统的大量生产方式向多品种小批量生产的生产方式转变。传统的统计质量控制是利用休哈特控制图分析监控产品质量特性从而进行质量控制,但是休哈特控制图的建立需要大量的样本数据,在小批量生产中由于每批产品数量少,传统的统计质量控制方法不在适用。针对小批量生产环境中的样本数量难以满足统计过程质量控制对样本数量的要求问题,本文利用成组技术,充分利用工序间的相似性,建立工序分类编码系统,将相似工序分类成组,进行同组生产,扩大了样本容量,解决了统计质量控制在小批量生产中的样本数量不足的问题。并结合实例验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。


Quality control of production process based on multi variety and small batch

Abstract:With the development of economy, the improvement of the level of consumption, consumer products to demand more and more inpiduation and persification, the market demand for the enterprise production types change from traditional way to mass production to multi varieties and small batch production mode of production. The traditional statistical quality control is the use of Hugh Hart control chart and quality control analysis monitoring the quality of products, but Hugh Hart control chart to build a large number of sample data, in small batch production because the number of each batch of products, the traditional statistical quality control method is not applicable in small batch production. According to the number of samples in the environment to meet the statistical process quality control of sample The number of requirements, this paper using group technology, make full use of the similarity between procedures, establish process classification encoding system, similar processes are classified into groups, with group production, enlarge the sample size, to solve a number of statistical quality control in small batch production in the sample shortage. And verify the feasibility of the method and effective with examples.

Keywords:Multi variety and small batch; Process quality control; Similarity; Group Technology 


1 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.2 质量管理的发展历程 1

1.3 国内外研究综述 3

1.4 研究内容 5

2 面向小批量生产的质量控制方法研究 6

2.1 SPC在多品种小批量生产中的限制 6

2.2 SPC在小批量生产中的应用研究 6

2.3 成组技术 7

2.4 分类编码系统 8

3 成组技术在多品种小批量质量控制中的应用 9

3.1 相似性评价 9

3.2 数据标准化 13

3.3 控制图 13

3.4 过程能力指数 17

4 成组技术在艾科半导体公司中的应用 18

4.1 样本数据收集 18

4.2 工序相似性评价 19

4.3 数据标准化 21

4.4 控制图 多品种小批量的生产过程质量控制:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203623.html
