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时间:2024-05-03 09:30来源:95269



Research on Logistics Service Quality Evaluation of Express Enterprise

Abstract:With the high-speed development of electrical business, express delivery industry also is in rapid development, but the development speed is too fast, so the development of the whole industry is chaotic, express enterprise service quality also is uneven, so the service quality evaluation was studied in this paper, the express delivery business.Comprehensive analysis of express service quality model, this paper select SERVQUAL model and LSQ model, etc., sums up the reliability, responsiveness, assurance, security, efficiency and convenience of six dimensions, derived by six dimensions of 20 secondary indicators, on the basis of the express delivery service quality evaluation index system is constructed.Use the G1 method to determine the weights of each indicator;Using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to calculate the indexes, the service quality evaluation study of the express enterprises is completed, and the results of the evaluation of service quality are obtained.Finally, ShunFeng,YunDa, TianTian express , for example, case analysis, it is concluded that the three companies in service quality dimensions and the comprehensive score and evaluation.

Keywords: express delivery industry; quality of service;Index system;Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

0引言 1

1快递业现状 2

1.1中国快递行业发展史 2

1.2快递行业现状 2

1.2.1发展迅速但利润降低 2

1.2.2区域性太强 4

1.2.3设备及信息化不完备 4

1.2.4企业多杂难以存活 4

1.3快递行业服务质量现状 5

1.3.1满意度较低 5

1.3.2服务过程不规范 5

1.3.3投诉问题众多 5

2快递服务质量评价模型 6

2.1服务质量评价体系 6

2.2快递服务质量评价模型研究现状 6

2.3模型确定 7

2.3.1SERVQUAL模型 7

2.3.2《中华人民共和国邮政行业标准》 8

2.3.3LSQ模型 8

3服务质量评价体系构建 9

3.1维度的确定 9

3.2指标的确定 快递企业物流服务质量评价研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203637.html
