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时间:2024-05-29 22:44来源:95504
基于MSA的高校实验室设备质量评价。以高校实验室中常见的测量仪器工具显微镜为例,对该测量仪器进行一系列的测评,检测该仪器是否合格。针对该仪器如何实施测量系统分析提 出了

摘要:测量系统分析(Measurement System Analysis,MSA)是六西格玛改进模式(DMAIC)中“测量(M)”阶段中的一种重要工具和技术。测量系统分析用于 评估测量系统的质量,运用统计方法来分析研究测量系统中的各个变差源以及它 们对测量结果的影响,并根据可接受的判别准则判断测量系统的符合性。

本文将企业质量管理中的测量系统分析理论引入高校实验室测量仪器的质 量评估中,以高校实验室中常见的测量仪器——工具显微镜为例,对该测量仪器 进行一系列的测评,检测该仪器是否合格。针对该仪器如何实施测量系统分析提 出了较为详细的实施方案,包含了评价指标、数据的采集模式、数据的分析方法 等,并且针对计量型测量系统进行了深入研究,并介绍了测量系统的判别准则, 也对产生变差的来源和原因进行了说明,根据变差的结果查找不同的系统变差产 生的原因并进行改进。附录部分还对工具显微镜的使用流程和注意事项做了专门 的介绍和说明。


Quality Evaluation of College Laboratory Equipment Based On MSA

ABSTRACT:Measurement System Analysis (MSA) is an important tool and technology in the "Measurement (M)" phase of the Six Sigma Improvement Model (DMAIC). The Measurement System Analysis (MSA) is used to evaluate the quality of the measurement system, using statistical methods to analyze the various sources of variation of variation in the measurement system and their impact on the measurement results, and to judge the conformity of the measurement system according to the acceptable judgment method.

In this paper, the measurement system analysis theory of enterprise quality management is introduced into the quality evaluation of laboratory measuring instruments. The measurement tool microscope is used as an example, and the measuring tool will be tested by some experimental indexes. In view of how the instrument implements the measurement system analysis, a detailed implementation scheme is presented, including data source, data collection mode, data specific analysis method, etc. and aiming at the detailed research of counting system, the discriminant criterion of the conformity measurement system is introduced, and the source and reason of the variance are introduced and explained, according to the result of the variation, the causes of different system variation will be found and improved. This paper also gives a special introduction and description to the using process and cautions of measurement tool microscope.

Keywords: Measurement System Analysis; repeatability; reproducibility; me asuring  tools microscope 

0 引言 1

1 高校实验室测量系统分析应用现状 2

2 测量系统分析的基本理论 3

2.1 测量系统分析的基本概念 3

2.2 测量系统变差的类型 5

2.3 测量系统的分类 5

2.3.1 计量型测量系统 6

2.3.2 计数型测量系统 6

2.4 测量系统变差的来源 7

2.5  可接受性准则 7

2.5.1 位置变差的可接受准则 7

2.5.2 宽度变差的可接受准则 8

3 计量型测量系统分析的实施 8

3.1 计量型测量系统评价指标 基于MSA的高校实验室设备质量评价:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204071.html
