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时间:2024-07-09 22:05来源:95768






Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has been rapid development, and the level of social modernization and industrialization has steadily improved. In its continuous development process, China's urban air has also been polluted in different degrees. For now, China's urban air quality is not optimistic, environmental pollution is also increasing, which is seriously endangering people’s health. Jiangsu lies in the south of Chang Jiang river. Although air pollution is not serious than the north of China, but there are air pollution problems. In this paper, the paper analyzes the current situation of urban air pollution in Jiangsu Province, and selects PM10, SO2, NO2, population, regional car ownership, housing construction area, Coal consumption, crude oil consumption and other indicators as independent variables and air quality compliance rate (according to AQI index) as the dependent variable, to analyze the air pollution countermeasures, and provide a theoretical reference of urban air pollution countermeasures for Jiangsu to solving the problem of urban air pollution.

In this paper, the principal component analysis of the independent variable index is used, and the first two principal components are selected according to the analysis results. The first principal component is mainly a comprehensive index of sulfur dioxide (SO2), population, regional GDP, civil car ownership, coal consumption, and crude oil consumption, called social factors. The second main component is mainly composed of respirable particulate matter (PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), housing construction area of comprehensive indicators, called physical factors. The two principal components used as independent variables, air quality compliance rate as the dependent variable, principal component regression equation is established, and then through putting into the original indexes, their regression equation is obtained, analyze and research. 江苏省城市空气污染指数影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204232.html
