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时间:2024-08-17 10:21来源:96494
基于TOC的推拉结合的四洋柴油机在制品批量确定。基于 TOC 下的推拉结合的在制品批量确定对于该公司其他车间以及其他 加工产品的在制品都有借鉴效用。因此,该公司在在制品生产批



The determination of Si Yang Diesel engine factory's invent- ory batches on the TOC push-pull model

Abstract:For an enterprise, the excellent inventory management is extremely important, inventory management determines the quality of a business inventory, production volume, processing volume, and even the size of the cost of  scheduling  and the overall efficiency of the entire production operations. In the inventory management, in-process inventory management is a very important part. In-process inventory affects the overall efficiency and fluency of the production system, and the excess in-process inventory can lead to an increase in inventory costs and an increase in capital occupation. And in the product too little, it will lead to the products can not keep up with the next process, resulting in "hunger" effect, so that the next process of production machines have to wait, which reduces the machine utilization, but also increased Rectification of the total production process time, thereby reducing the production efficiency. In this paper, based on the inventory management of goods in the direction of the inventory management, combined with the author of the practice of "four foreign diesel engine factory" in the inventory problems in the study, combined with TOC constraint theory to find the bottleneck of the production system, the use of DBR buffer The use of push-pull combined model of in-process inventory management methods to make the inventory of goods to a reasonable number, and then through the factory's existing inventory of goods in the state of the comparison, the product inventory management Method of feasibility.

Key words: in-process inventory; TOC constraint theory; bottleneck; pull-push

1绪论 1

1.1选题背景与研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究综述 2

1.3研究内容与技术路线 3

2相关理论基础 4

2.1TOC的主要思想和方法 5

2.2生产系统瓶颈的识别 6

2.3缓冲的设置 6

2.4推式生产系统及拉式生产系统 7

3四洋柴油机厂在制品批量确定现状 8

3.1公司主要产品介绍 9

3.2380J及485J型柴油机油底壳介绍 基于TOC的推拉结合的四洋柴油机在制品批量确定:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204534.html
