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时间:2024-09-25 23:02来源:97453



The Quality Analysis and Control of Production Based on Minitab

Abstract:Based on the study of traditional statistical process control, this paper puts forward the idea of production quality control based on mass production environment. In this paper, the company's supply of German Bosch Automotive Parts ABS system motor brush seat as the object, the traditional SPC technology theory as a guide, make full use of causal maps, permutations, histograms and control charts on the production process of statistical process control and Statistical quality control, 5M1E analysis and 5why analysis of the full link, combined with the process capability index, while Minitab software with auxiliary calculation and analysis of the process found in the abnormal investigation of the anomaly, and ultimately explore the root causes and Improved. Compared with the previous, improve the control efficiency and production accuracy, the company's quality defects in advance prevention has important significance.

Key words: Mass;SPC;Process capability index;Minitab


1绪论 1

1.1选题的目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究综述 1

1.3主要研究内容 3

1.4技术路线 3

2面向大批量生产模式下的质量控制研究 4

2.1大批量生产特点 4

2.2大批量生产模式下的质量控制 5

2.2.1质量管理工具 5

2.2.2统计过程控制 9

2.3大批量生产过程控制分析方法研究 13

2.3.15M1E分析法 13

2.3.25why分析法 13

2.4小结 14

3基于Minitab的大批量质量控制程序分析 15

4深圳A公司汽车ABS系统电机刷座注塑成型生产质量控制分析 17

4.1ABS电机刷座的注塑成型生产工艺 17

4.2基于Minitab对ABS电机刷座的质量控制研究 19

4.2.1外观特性控制研究 19

4.2.2关键尺寸特性控制研究 22

结论 31

致谢 32

参考文献 33



1.1选题的目的和意义制造过程的质量控制是产品全生命周期质量控制中至关重要的一个环节,对提高产品的质量,减少废品损失,增强企业的市场竞争力都具有重要的意义。 Minitab生产过程质量特性分析与控制:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204740.html
