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时间:2024-09-26 23:03来源:97481

摘  要:近些年来我国出现许多公民以“独立候选人”身份参加基层人大代表选举的现象,引起了民众和学界的广泛关注。本文从“自主参选人”“独立参选人”“公开自荐人”“独立候选人”等概念出发,以政治参与理论和政治沟通理论作为分析工具,探索“独立候选人”现象产生的原因及特征。要解决“独立候选人”身份参选所面临的权利救济机制缺失、人大代表确定制度不透明、合法性受质疑和选举机构的中立性不足等问题,须建立有效的公民权利救济机制、完善人大代表确定机制、重视人大制度建设以及保证选举机构的中立性。


Research on the Phenomenon of “Independent Candidates” in the Grass Roots Deputies

Abstract:In recent years many citizens participate in the election of grassroots deputies as “independent candidates”, which has aroused widespread concern in the public and academic circles. This paper first defines the concepts such as “autonomous candidate”, “independent participator”, “personal recommendation” and “independent candidate”. Taking the theory of political participation and political communication as the analysis tools, this paper explores the reasons and characteristics of the phenomenon of independent candidates. It should establish effective relief mechanism of civil rights, complete the deputies’ confirmation mechanism, attach importance to the construction of the People’s Congress, and guarantee the neutrality of the electoral institutions, so as to solve the problems such as the missing of right relief mechanism for independent candidates, the lacking of transparency for deputies confirmation system, the questioning about legitimacy and the shorting of neutrality for election institutions.

Keywords: independent candidate; right to be elected; political participation; political communication

目 录

0引言 1

1 相关概念与基础理论 2

1.1 相关概念 2

1.2政治参与理论 6

1.3政治沟通理论 7

2 “独立候选人”现象解读 8

2.1 “独立候选人”现象概述 8

2.2“独立候选人”现象出现的主要原因 9

2.3 “独立候选人”现象出现的主要特征 11

3 “独立候选人”面临困境分析 14

3.1 “独立候选人”的权利救济机制缺失 14

3.2基层人大代表确定制度不完善 15

3.3合法性遭受质疑导致“独立候选人”地位尴尬 15

3.4选举机构影响“独立候选人”参选 16

4 完善基层人大代表候选人产生的建议 17

4.1 基层人大代表选举制度建设 17

4.2 提高基层人大代表候选人素质 18

4.3增强选民的政治参与能力 18

4.4保证选举机构的中立性 18

结  论 20

致   谢 基层人大代表中独立候选人现象探究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204747.html
