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时间:2017-02-13 19:46来源:毕业论文

关键词   领导-成员关系   周边绩效   回归分析   相关性分析
Title  The relationship between LMX and contextual performance                                 
Since the contextual performance and LMX is put forward, scholars did a lot of research, there is certain deficiency in current study. Under the economic crisis situation, the study of the relationship between the two has signify practical value to propose new management ideas and to improve and enhance the current management lever. As a result, this study is based on document research, through the questionnaire survey method and in the use of statistical software SPSS12.0, and results are analyzed by carrying out descriptive statistical analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis in order to reveal the status quo of our country’s leader-member exchange quality of knowledge worker and contextual performance, to observe whether the different demographic variables to LMX quality are signify different from contextual performance and to analyze the correlation of LMX quality and contextual performance and their prediction functions.
Keywords  leader-member exchange(LMX)   contextual performance  correlation analysis    regression analysis

第1章    引言    6
1.1    研究背景      6
1.2    选题目的      6
1.3    选题意义     7
第2章    研究方法      8
第3章    研究的变量定义     8
第4章    研究假设    9
第5章    研究工具    9
第6章    样本选取   10
第7章    研究结果分析     11
7.1 信度检验    11
7.1.1 周边绩效测试信度检验    11
7.1.2 领导-成员交换测试信度检验     11
7.2 描述性统计分析   12
7.2.1 周边绩效描述性分析      12
7.2.2 领导-成员交换描述性分析     13
7.3 不同个体特征在各变量上的差异    14
7.3.1 性别与研究变量   14
7.3.2 年龄与研究变量   15
7.3.3 教育程度与研究变量  15
7.3.4 工作年限与研究变量  16
7.3.5 职位与研究变量   17
7.3.6 单位性质与研究变量   17
7.4 相关分析  18
 7.4.1 领导-成员交换与周边绩效两文度的相关分析    19
 7.4.2 领导-成员交换四文度与周边绩效的相关分析  19 spss12领导成员关系与周边绩效的关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_2935.html