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时间:2019-11-01 19:29来源:毕业论文

Project Bidding Risk Management
Abstract:The construction industry is the pillar industry of national economic development. With the development of economy, people's awareness of risk management gradually strengthened,  the bidding work is the beginning of a period of life in construction, the contractor for the first stage of the project cost control. the fact that, at the tender stage risk management can effectively control project cost and aversion many bid risks. Therefore, how to efficiently manage risk bidding to become the focus of numerous contractors.
Firstly, starting from a proposal of risk management, the importance of risk management for the bidding phase project elucidated. Then analyze the cause of these deficiencies and problems that exist in the bidding process now to discuss how to identify risks and risk analysis in the bidding process, risk evaluation and classification, in order to enable contractors better to avoid, transfer of risk reduce the construction risks exist in the process. Finally,a prospect of the future of the bidding work and put forward its own proposals.
Keywords: bidding; risk management; Project
 目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景    1
1.1.1 工程项目招投标的发展    1
1.1.2 工程项目投标阶段存在的问题    2
1.2 研究的意义    2
1.3 研究思路    4
2 工程项目投标风险管理综述    5
2.1 工程项目投标概述    5
2.1.1 工程项目投标的概念和特点    5
2.1.2 工程项目投标阶段划分    5
2.2 投标风险管理概述    7
2.2.1 风险的产生    7
2.2.2 投标风险的概念和特征    7
2.2.3 投标风险管理流程    8
2.3 常用的风险评价方法    9
2.3.1 敏感性分析法(Sensitive Analysis)    9
2.3.2 层次分析法(APH)    9
2.3.3 蒙特卡罗模拟法    10
2.4 工程项目投标风险管理模型    11
3 工程项目投标风险因素分析    13
3.1 投标准备阶段的风险分析(C1)    13
3.2 投标实施阶段的风险分析(C2)    14
3.3 定标签约阶段的风险分析(C3)    19
3.4 建立风险体系    22
4 基于层次分析法的工程项目投标风险评估    24
4.1 层次分析法的风险评估流程    24
4.1.1风险框架模型构建    24
4.1.2 构成判断矩阵    24
4.1.3 层次性排序与一致性检验    25
4.2 层次分析法在工程案例中的运用    26
4.2.1 项目介绍    26 工程项目投标风险管理研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_41946.html