Abstract Since the 1980s, the EPC management model has been introduced to China. After 20 years of development, its advantages in project management are becoming more and more prominent.Also it has been highly recognized by all sides, and it is widely used in large and complex projects in our country gradually. However, because of the environment for the growth of project management in our country is different from foreign country .This situation results in a variety of issues after the use of domestic EPC localization management model from design to production process the project, such as: frequent changes in the project, the disjunction in all aspects of construction, frequent serious accidents in complement and so on. This is unfavorable for construction companies which are trying to go abroad to participate in international competition, and seizing market share in many engineering. This paper is committed to systematic analysis of management model EPC, summarizes the shortcomings of EPC management model and the corresponding countermeasures. Finally It makes the theory into practice through a combination of cases in order it can bring some benefits to the development of the EPC management model in our country.
Keywords: EPC; management model; disadvantages and countermeasures
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义 1
1.3 研究的主要内容和方法 2
第二章 EPC管理模式相关理论 4
2.1 EPC总承包项目管理模式的内涵 4
2.2 EPC管理模式在国内发展 4
2.3 EPC工程总承包的方式 5
2.4 EPC工程总承包的特征 5
2.5 EPC工程总承包的优点 7
第三章 我国EPC管理模式的弊端 9
3.1 EPC项目前期的弊端 9
3.1.1 可行性研究存在弊端 9
3.1.2 业主本身存在的问题 9
3.1.3 承包商在项目前期的参与度不够 9
3.2 EPC项目进行中的弊端 10
3.2.1 引用合同条款的硬伤 10
3.2.2 设计、采购、施工各环节在对接中存在的弊端 10
3.2.3 EPC项目实施中的弊端 11
3.3 国家政策环境引起的弊端 12
3.3.1 国家对EPC项目管理没有明确定位 我国EPC管理模式的弊端与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_53975.html