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时间:2020-06-23 20:03来源:毕业论文



Research on the problem of rural labor transfer again in Jiangsu Province from the public perspective


Due to the impact of financial crisis and other factors, the nationwide phenomenon of rural labor reflow has emerged. The phenomenon that the rural workers from south of Jiangsu are planning to transfer back to their north of Jiangsu hometown also has been appearing in Jiangsu Province. Used the rural labor who plan to transfer back to their north of Jiangsu hometown from south of Jiangsu city as the object. Based on the statistical data obtained by having interviews with the rural labor in my hometown during the Spring Festival, this paper carries on a careful analysis for the situation, reasons and problems of the rural labor transfer again in Jiangsu Province. On this basis, the paper discusses the public security measures that how to promote the rural labor transfer again from the public perspective, these measures will ensure the reasonable and efficient flow of rural labor.

Keywords: Jiangsu Province; the rural labor transfer again; the public perspective



1.1 研究背景1

      1.1.1 经济背景1

      1.1.2 政策背景1

      1.1.3 就业背景2

1.2 概念界定2

1.2.1 农村劳动力概念界定3

      1.2.2 农村劳动力转移概念界定3

      1.2.3 农村劳动力再转移概念界定3

1.3 文献综述4

      1.3.1 国外研究现状4

      1.3.2 国内研究现状5

1.3.3 述评6

1.4 研究意义7

1.4.1 理论意义7

1.4.2 现实意义7



2.1.1 江苏省农村劳动力再转移意愿分析 8

2.1.2 江苏省农村劳动力再转移后的选择分析 9

2.1.3 江苏省农村劳动力再转移人口特征分析10

2.2 江苏省农村劳动力再转移原因分析 11

2.2.1 实体经济危机对苏南中小企业的影响11

2.2.2 苏北经济的快速发展和就业机会的增加12

2.2.3 留守等社会问题的增加13

2.3 江苏省农村劳动力再转移面临的障碍 14

2.3.1 农村劳动力数量多、文化技能素质基础薄弱14

2.3.2 影响苏南打工地的农村劳动力供给和技能培训14

2.3.3 挑战苏北家乡地的安置保障性工作15

2.3.4 南北两地之间缺乏有效的沟通合作制度15

3 公共视角下促进江苏省农村劳动劳动力再转移的保障措施16

3.1 加大农村劳动力自身的文化技能素质培训16

  3.1.1 江苏省农村劳动力培训需求现状17

  3.1.2 加大文化技能素质培训的政府公共措施17

3.2 改善苏南打工地的劳动力供求关系18

3.2.1 缓解就业压力、提高再转移机会成本,维持劳动力供需平衡18

3.2.2 吸引其他地区或领域的劳动力19

3.3 提高苏北家乡地的安置保障能力19 公共视角下江苏省农村劳动力再转移问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_55242.html
