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时间:2020-09-29 20:03来源:毕业论文



The problem after the two-child policy and the countermeasures research

Abstract:This article mainly discusses the full implementation of widespread fertility intentions after the city two-child policy published. By summarizing the mainly problem that people reflects in the research about the second child birth. Analyze the reasons in the weak view of the two births, the lack of maternity leave, the lack of responsibility in men in the process of parenting, the second child birth influence women’s work, the insufficient of two-child family welfare and so on, and further study the dispositive reasons to have two children. And then I will try to find out the way in improving the will to give the second child birth, extending the women's maternity leave, introducing the parental leave, implements the flexible employment of child-bearing age women, increasing children's welfare and the birth allowance, and improving the support facilities. I hope that through this article, our country's birth insurance policies will become perfect. Better protection will be provided for women. The newborn child will have a good welfare. Family can reduce costs for raising two children. I think these ways can stable population and stable social development.

Key Words: Two-child policy; Maternity leave ;Parental leave ;Birth allowance


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景和目的 1

(二) 研究意义 1

1、 现实意义 1

2、 理论意义 1

二、文献综述 1

(一) 国外研究现状 1

(二) 国内研究现状 2

(三) 文献综述(发展趋势) 3

三、基础理论 3

(一)三效应理论 3

(二)子女成本与效用比较理论 4

(三)相关法律规定 4

1、 我国生育政策 4

2、 生育假期 4

3、 女职工保护 5

四、实证调研 5

(一)调查方法 5

(二)调查对象 5

(三)存在的问题及政策的不足 5

1、 生育意愿不强 5

2、 产假不能满足实际需要 7

3、 男性在育儿过程中责任太少 7 城市二胎政策全面实施后相关问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_62112.html
