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时间:2021-04-24 23:05来源:毕业论文
过对 LPG 船在建造过程中可能出现的安全问题进行分 析,根据分析所得出的结果提出相应的防治对策在两种方法所得出的 结果的基础上再根据船厂的实际情况,提出科学合理地防治对策

摘要:随着社会经济地不断发展,LPG 越来越受到人们的关注和重视,但是 LPG 船一 旦发生事故,不仅会导致大量的人员伤亡还会招致不可估量的经济损失。导致 LPG 船舶 发生事故的原因多种多样,本文通过对 LPG 船在建造过程中可能出现的安全问题进行分 析,根据分析所得出的结果提出相应的防治对策。

本文结合中船江南重工股份有限公司的实际情况,通过定性分析创建指标体系,层析 分析法确定权重,将造船厂提供的信息与未确知数学测度和集对分析评价方法相结合,建 立未确知测度模型和“同异反”评价模型,运用两种模型对 LPG 船在建造过程中的安全 问题进行综合评价,得出安全等级级数以及联系度大小的比较结果,在两种方法所得出的 结果的基础上再根据船厂的实际情况,提出科学合理地防治对策。66340

毕业论文关键词: LPG 船建造过程;安全问题;未确知数学;集对分析;防治对策 

The Safety Problem and Prevention Countermeasure of LPG Ship in Construction

Abstract:With the continuous development of economy, LPG attract more and more attention .However, the accident in a LPG ship will not only lead to a large number of casualties but also cause immeasurable losses. This paper will analyze the potential safety problems of LPG ships during the construction process, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures based on the results obtained from the analysis.

On the basis of the real life situation on the filed of CSSC, this paper establish the index system through the qualitative analysis , chromatography analysis to determine the weight, combining the information provided by the shipyard with the unascertained mathematical measure and the set pair analysis and evaluation method, establishes the unascertained measure model and "indentical discrepant contrary” Evaluation model, By exerting the two models on the construction process of LPG ship,we can get the comprehensive evaluation of the safety issues, the safety level and the degree of correlation. Based on the results of the comparison between

two methods and the real situation of the shipyard, effective and proper preventive measures are concluded.

Key words: LPG ship construction process; Security issue; Unascertained mathematics; SPA; Control measures

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状综述 2

1.3 论文的主要研究内容 3

2 LPG 船建造过程中的安全问题定性分析 4

2.1 生产准备阶段的安全分析 4

2.1.1 材料处理阶段 4

2.1.2 分段组立阶段 4

2.2 船体建造阶段的安全分析 5

2.2.1 涂装工艺过程 5

2.2.2 船坞搭载过程中的安全分析 6

2.3 系泊试验阶段的安全分析 6

2.4 受限作业空间的安全分析 7

2.4.1 受限作业空间定义 7

2.4.2 受限作业空间安全隐患 7

2.5 其他安全问题 8

2.5.1 建造期间的新工艺、新技术风险问题 LPG船建造过程中的安全问题与防治对策:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_74240.html
