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时间:2021-11-20 20:02来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:加油站  空间分析  徐州丰县

Study on the location of gas stations in small and medium sized cities based on GIS 

-- a case study of Fengxian County in Xuzhou


Gas station is an important urban infrastructure in modern esociety。With the increasing number of gas stations,the spatial layout of gas station is becoming more and more important。Based on study about the spatial layout of gas station in Fengxian,Xuzhou。The article mainly considers the evaluation indicator of optional layout from three aparts including the gas station’s location ,number and service coverage。 With the help of the powerful spatial analysis function of ArcGIS,which includes network analysis ,buffer analysis ,congruence analysis and so on ,by utilizing the principle and method of geographic information system,the article studyies rationality of spatial distribution of gas stations in Fengxian ,Xuzhou,and further discover their irrationalities。At the same time,the article will come up with relevant suggestions to promote the process of urbanization in Fengxian,Xuzhou。

Key Words: Gas station  Spatial analysis  Fengxian


摘  要 III

Abstract IV

目录 V

图清单 VI

表清单 VI

1 前言 7

1。1研究背景 7

1。2研究意义 7

1。3国内外研究现状 8

2材料和方法 9

2。1研究区域概况 9

2。3数据来源和收集 10

2。4研究方法 11

2。4。1加油站需求数量的预测 11

2。4。2缓冲区分析 11

2。4。3叠加分析 11

2。4。4网络分析 12

3结果和讨论 12

3。1丰县城区加油站的分布现状 12

3。2丰县城区的加油站数量 13

3。3各加油站的服务区范围 13

3。4加油站服务区覆盖率分析 14

3。5加油站服务区范围分析 15

4加油站布局建议和结论 17

4。1加油站布局建议 17

4。2结论 17

参考文献 18


图序号 基于GIS的中小城市加油站选址研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_85294.html
