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时间:2022-03-05 09:51来源:毕业论文

摘 要:我国的耕地资源流失十分严重,基于我国人多地少的基本国情,保护耕地刻不容缓,本文将选择近年来城镇化进程飞快的江苏省无锡市作为研究区域,选取2014年Landsat8影像作为研究数据,基于ENVI、ArcGIS软件,运用假彩色合成和Gram-Schmidt图像融合法两种图像增强方法进行图像增强对比,选用Gram-Schmidt对无锡市影像进行增强,监督分类方法提取无锡市的土地利用信息。对提取的土地利用信息进行景观格局分析。结果表明:无锡市耕地斑块数量多,破碎度大,呈零散型分布,主要集中在水源周围,方便灌溉,和2001——2008年数据相比,耕地数量减少,土地利用类型大部分转变为建设用地,这种耕地格局的形成主要受无锡市的经济、政治、人口等因素影响。78563


Abstract:The loss of arable land resources in China is very serious, we can get a conclusion from the national conditions of China, it is very urgent to protect arable land。 This article will choose Wuxi, Jiangsu Province as the study area which the process of urbanization is very fast in recently years。 I will choose the data of landsat8 which producted in 2014 and use this data to do some research。 Based on ENVI and ArcGIS software, I will use false color composite method and Gram-Schmidt image fusion method for image contrast enhancement。 In the end, I chose Gram-Schmidt image fusion method to enhance image of Wuxi City and then extracted the land use information of Wuxi City by the method of supervised classification。 Finally, I analyzed the landscape pattern of the extracted land use information。 The results showed that: Landscape pattern analysis showed that the number of cultivated land patches in Wuxi City is larger and the degree of fragmentation is high, this result also showed a scattered distribution, The cultivated land is concentrated in the water source, this will make irrigation convenient, Compared with the data of 2001 to 2008, the number of arable land is reduced。 This pattern of cultivated land is mainly influenced by economic, political, population and other factors in Wuxi city。

Keywords:Wuxi, image enhancement, Extraction of cultivated land information, supervised classification, landscape 

目  录

1  前  言 4

2  研究区概况及研究方法 4

2。1  研究区概况 4

2。2  研究方法 4

3  数据来源与数据预处理 5

3。1  辐射校正 5

3。2  图像增强 6

3。2。1  假彩色合成 6

3。2。2  Gram-schmidt图像融合 7

3。3  图像校正及图像裁剪 9

4  耕地信息提取 9

4。1  监督分类 9

4。2  分类结果评价 10

5  景观格局分析 11

5。1  景观格局指数 11

5。2  耕地景观格局成因分析 14

5。2。1  经济因素 14

5。2。2  人口因素 14

5。2。3  政策因素 14

结  论 基于遥感和GIS无锡市耕地景观格局分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_90564.html
