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时间:2018-03-07 10:20来源:毕业论文

关键词    全氟己酮  充装压力  喷口面积  灭火时间  雾化效果   
Title  A Study of Influence of C6-Fluoroketone-discharging Conditions on  Heptane Flame-extinguishing Effect                                                 
To understand the influence of C6-Fluoroketone-discharging conditions on  extinguishing effect of heptane flame,a set of experimental system was designed and built, which is composed by fire extinguishing bottle, pneumatic equipment, fire extinguishing room and parameter-testing system. Systematic experiments were carried out with variable- controlling experimental method, which is related to the influence of both filling pressure and nozzle area on extinguishing effect of heptane flame. The results showed that the larger the total nozzle area was, the shorter the discharging time and fire extinguishing time were, and C6-Fluoroketone got good atomization effect when filling ratio of fire-extinguishing agent was 0.15 and filling pressure was 1.2 MPa or 2.5 MPa. The filling pressure has influence mainly on the time of which fire extinguishing room reaches fire-distinguishing concentration of the agent everywhere and on the atomization effect of the agent. The higher the filling pressure, the larger the flow of the agent was, the better the corresponding atomization effect was, the shorter the time of which fire extinguishing room reaches fire-distinguishing concentration of the agent everywhere was and heptane flame was distinguished.
Keywords  C6-Fluoroketone   Filling pressure   Nozzle area   Fire extinguishing time   Atomization  
 目  录
1  绪论    2
1.1  论文背景    2
1.2  全氟己酮灭火剂简介    4
1.2.1  全氟己酮的基本性质    4
1.2.2  全氟己酮灭火剂的灭火机理    4
1.2.2  全氟己酮灭火剂优点    5
1.3 全氟己酮施放条件研究现状    7
1.4 本文主要开展的工作    7
2  实验研究条件准备和方案设计    9
2.1  实验装置、仪器、药品    9
2.1.1  实验装置    9
2.1.2  实验仪器    13
2.1.3  实验药品    14
2.2  实验方法及方案    14
2.2.1  实验方法    14
2.2.2  实验方案    15
2.3  实验步骤    17
3  施放条件对全氟己酮灭火剂熄灭B类火焰效果研究    19
3.1  全氟己酮带料实验    19
3.2  喷头面积对全氟己酮灭火剂熄灭B类火焰效果的影响    21 施放条件对全氟己酮灭火剂熄灭B类火焰效果研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_10657.html