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时间:2018-03-27 17:20来源:毕业论文
In recent years, in order to contain the water environment is the serious pollution, the country continues to increase investment in urban sewage treatment projects have been built in large and medium

In recent years, in order to contain the water environment is the serious pollution, the country continues to increase investment in urban sewage treatment projects have been built in large and medium sized cities in the city sewage treatment plant, city sewage treatment business got great development. The current urban sewage treatment plant construction has been started from the large and medium sized cities to county town, will be a substantial increase in the number of municipal sewage treatment plant.
 The disposal methods of urban sewage are commonly used for activated sludge process. Activated sludge process based on activated sludge as the main body of the sewage treatment technology. Activated sludge is mainly made up of blooms of microbial community, it is easy to precipitate separating from the water, and can make the sewage purification, clarify.
The graduation design topic for 500 m3 / day of sewage treatment plant process design. Main task is to process selection and structure design and calculation. A preliminary design to complete the design specification, a flow chart of sewage treatment plant, aerated grit chamber in figure a, oxidation ditch figure a, the second pond, a figure, the sewage treatment plant project, the total scale of 500 tons/day. The sewage plant of wastewater treatment process for: from pump house to grit chamber, enter the oxidation ditch, the second pond, the water; Sludge process for: from the second pond, the surplus sludge discharge first entered the concentrated tank, the sludge concentration, and then enter the workshop after further dehydration of sludge dewatering, and transported to a landfill. After the design results show that the sewage treatment plant effluent reach the town sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard "(GB18918-2002) in the level 1 B standard.
Key words: carrousel oxidation ditch process; Sewage treatment; Nitrogen
1 设计任务的概述    1
1.1 排水水量、水质及排放标准    1
2 污水处理工艺方案选择    1
2.1 设计原则    1
2.2 工艺方案分析    2
3 污水处理工艺设计计算    6
3.1 格栅    6
3.1.1粗格栅的计算    6
3.1.2 污水提升泵房的设计    7
3.1.3  细格栅的计算    8
3.2 曝气沉砂池    9
3.2.1 设计说明    10
3.2.2 曝气沉砂池的设计与计算    11
3.2.3 水面标高    13
3.2.4 配水井的计算    14
3.3 氧化沟    14
3.3.1设计说明    14
3.3.2 设计计算    14
3.4 辐流式二沉池    17
3.4.1设计说明    17
3.6 管道设计及布置    19
3.6.1 进水管、事故管    19
3.6.2 污水管    20
3.6.3 污泥管    22
3.5 高程布置    23
3.5.1 布置原则    23
3.5.2 注意事项    24
4.工程概算    25
4.1 设备材料    25
4.2 工程技术经济分析    26
4.2.1 土建费用造价列表    26
4.2.2 直接投资费用    26
4.2.3 运行费用计算    26
4.2.4 运费    27
4.2.5 文护文修费    27
4.2.6 管理费用    27
4.2.7 运行成本核算    27
5.设计体会    28
致    谢    29
参考文献    29
1 设计任务的概述
生活污水主要是指日常生活中厨房、卫生间、淋浴房、洗衣房等生活设施中排出的废水,由于其中含有泥沙、油脂、皂液、食物屑、病菌、杂物等物质,体现在水质指标上,即生化需氧量(BOD5)、化学需氧量(COD)、悬浮物(SS)含量高,氮、磷含量高,富营养化。若不经处理,直接排入水体(江、河、湖、海和地下水)和土壤,将使水体和土壤中有机物浓度过高,而使水体及土壤富营养化。 小区生活污水氧化沟处理工艺设计(2):http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_11953.html