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时间:2018-04-20 20:38来源:毕业论文
The domestic sewage in the design plan passes through the grille to remove floating debris, after then the domestic sewage enters into the regulating pool, pump once after the ascension enters into th

The domestic sewage in the design plan passes through the grille to remove floating debris, after then the domestic sewage enters into the regulating pool, pump once after the ascension enters into the horizontal flow grit chamber, removing the particulate matter in it, and then enters into the SBR reactor for sewage treatment. The sewage after completing the processing inflows into the disinfection tank, then is discharged after disinfection, the sludge from the SBR reactor is pumped up to the sludge thickener, by dewatering, then the sludge is shipped out, completing the whole sewage treatment process .
According to the established process, through the main dimensions, hydraulic losses and piping calculations of the design calculations of the structures (including grille, regulating pool, advection grit chamber, SBR reactor, disinfection tank and sludge thickener), finished writing the design manual and drawing the process flow diagram, floor plan and top layout and main body structure of monomer figure.
This design is technically feasible and economically reasonable. Since the SBR process requires less structure, so construction costs less, while the process operation and management is simple, and degree of automation is high, but also reduces the cost of operation and management. So the advantages of the whole process are with less land, less total investment, stable operation, good treatment effect, low energy consumption, etc., and to ensure that the discharge standards of the sewage treatment. This project budgetary estimate of the total investment cost is 2.608 million yuan, operation cost is RMB 587400 / year.
The residential area in this design is located in Shanghai, Minhang district, which belongs to the third type of functional waters, and the effluent quality after treatment is executed by the level 1 B of the GB18918-2002"Discharge standard of pollutants  for municipal wastewater", It is estimated to reach the standards. The main effluent quality indicators are as follows: COD ≤ 60mg/L,N ≤ 20mg/L,P ≤ 1 mg/L, BOD5 ≤ 20mg/L ,SS ≤ 20mg/L.
KeyWords:  residential area; sewage treatment; SBR process
1 引言    1
2 综述    2
2.1 生活污水概述    2
2.1.1 生活污水来源与特征    2
2.1.2 生活污水处理技术    2
2.2 项目设计概述    4
2.2.1 设计原则    4
2.2.2 设计任务和依据    4
2.2.3 原始数据    5
2.2.4 设计工艺选择    6
3 序批式活性污泥法污水处理工艺    8
3.1 SBR工艺的发展沿革    8
3.2 SBR法的基本原理    8
3.3 SBR工艺的分类    9
3.4 SBR系统的构型    10
3.5 SBR工艺的适用范围    10
3.6 SBR工艺设计的特点    11
3.7 SBR工艺的常用设计方法    11
3.8 SBR反应器的排水装置——滗水器    12
4 污水处理构筑物的设计计算    15
4.1 原始设计参数    15
4.2 格栅    16
4.2.1设计说明    16
4.2.2 设计参数    16
4.2.3 设计计算    17
4.3 调节池    18
4.3.1设计说明    18
4.3.2设计参数    18
4.3.3设计计算    18
4.4 一级提升泵房    19
4.4.1设计说明    19
4.4.2设计参数    19
4.4.3设计计算    19
4.5 平流沉砂池    20
4.5.1 设计说明    20
4.5.2 设计参数    20
4.5.3 设计计算    20 小区生活污水序批式处理工艺设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_13758.html