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时间:2018-05-13 17:01来源:毕业论文
The main production process H65 brass plate: the ingredients - melting - Component Analysis - Holding Furnace - semi-continuous casting - cut the head and tail --- two rolls of hot-rolled - cut the he

The main production process H65 brass plate: the ingredients - melting - Component Analysis - Holding Furnace - semi-continuous casting - cut the head and tail --- two rolls of hot-rolled - cut the head and tail - Milling (double-sided milling ) - four rolls roughing - intermediate annealing (bell-type annealing furnace) - finishing - finished annealing (air cushion continuous heat treatment furnace) - cleaning - straightening - cut (vertical, horizontal shear) - finished inspection - packaging and storage.
The number of the manufacturing process to the extent of the intermediate annealing process to determine the hardening rolling, the design maximum allowable H65 brass total processing rate of 70%, and according to the design data, the design of the total working ratio of brass was 90.4%, which must be determined in order to continue rolling intermediate annealing. Calculating the number of intermediate annealing is the most important considerations as to reduce energy consumption and the rolling reduction rate to the maximum allowable working full use of the plastic deformation of the rolling member, to avoid waste of energy. When the entire annealing is complete, final cut straightening, product quality testing, confirmed that products meet the delivery requirements can be packaged in storage, waiting for delivery. Product technical requirements can be summarized as follows: the precise size good shape, high surface smooth performance to meet the technical requirements for the design of the basic premise.
This design mainly on the production of technical requirements and key H65 brass plate production process (melting, casting, milling surface, rolling and annealing) process characteristics. Chinalco Shanghai Copper Co., Ltd. in accordance with existing production processes and products, carried out on the production process of the development of smelting and rolling system preparation, roller-type system to develop, the ability to check the motor, roll strength checking, use in the design process computer software Visual Basic programming language preparation program to calculate the rolling force and rolling torque of conduct, the use of computer software Auto CAD, drawing diagrams on the roll. To design a realistic production standards and product applications.
KeyWords: Product design ;H65 brass;Technology process; annealing; check
1 绪论    1
1.1 铜及其合金概述    1
1.2 我国铜加工技术的发展趋势    1
1.3 合金设计的基本原则    2
2 市场分析    3
2.1 世界铜板带材的消费    3
2.2 国内外铜板带的需求    3
2.3 相关产业黄铜板带需求预测    4
3 设计方案    6
3.1 生产方法的确定    6
3.2 产品的技术参数及标准    7
3.2.1 最终产品规格    7
3.2.2 产品标准及技术要求    7
3.3 主要生产工艺和设备简介    9
3.3.1 主要生产工艺及工序    9
3.3.2 铜加工主要生产工艺设备    12
4 工艺制度制定    15
4.1 熔炼工艺制定    15
4.1.1 原料分类    15
4.1.2 配料    15
4.1.3 铸锭尺寸计算    17
4.2 加热工艺的制定    17
4.2.1 加热温度    17
4.2.2 加热时间    18
4.3 轧制生产制度制定    20
4.3.1 变形制度的制定    20
4.3.2 速度制度的确定    29
4.3.3 热轧温度制度的确定    35
4.3.4 冷轧张力制度的确定    38
4.3.5 辊型制度    43
4.4 热处理工艺的制定    49 1.2×500×2000mm深拉用黄铜板的生产工艺规程设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_15685.html