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时间:2024-05-07 22:48来源:95319





Abstract:China is one of the world's largest dye producing countries, which led to the dye industry base is too large, resulting in the waste water quantity is very huge, the concentration of pollutants in the wastewater is large, many types, the structure is relatively complex, its poor biodegradability, China now does not process can handle all the wastewater is very mature, so this leads to the majority of the dye wastewater can not be processed, only direct emissions or temporary. Over a long period of time, industrial dye wastewater has become one of the most important sources of pollution in the country.

Electro catalytic oxidation can degrade organic matter more thoroughly, and it is not easy to produce toxic substances, and basically avoid second pollution. Because of its high controllability, simple equipment and convenient operation, the electrocatalytic oxidation process has been widely used in wastewater treatment recently and has been widely used.

In this experiment, through the analysis of the polarization curves at different pyrolysis temperatures, oxygen evolution curves and cyclic voltammetry curves of kinetic parameters of oxygen evolution, nature, and to explore the mechanism of the electrode process of Mo doped Sn-Sb electrode reaction. The citric acid wastewater was treated by Mo doped Sn-Sb electrode. The effects of pH value, voltage, electrolyte concentration, electrolysis time, number of times, concentration of citric acid and pitch on electrocatalytic performance were investigated. The experimental results show that when the pH value is neutral, the voltage is 15V, the electrolyte concentration is 300mg/L, the electrolysis time is 20min, the plate spacing is 1.5cm, the treatment effect is the best, and the removal rate of 20mg/L Tartrazine Wastewater is more than 94%.

Key Word:Tartrazine Wastewater; electrocatalysis; stationary electrode; molybdenum doping;

第一章 绪论 1

1.1用于工业的染料废水的简介 1

1.1.1工业上染料的分类 3

1.1.2工业产生的染料废水的特点 5

1.1.3染料废水危害及其程度 6

1.1.4国内外常规的处理方法 6
