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时间:2018-08-02 20:48来源:毕业论文

Dehydration Technology Analysis of Sludge in Jimei Wastewater Treatment Plant
Abstract: With the continuous progress of urbanization in our country and the continuous improvement of sewage treatment rate, the output of sewage sludge will continue to increase. Sewage treatment is a very important part of the sludge dewatering, and the current sludge dewatering technology to get the sludge moisture content is still very high, which increases the sludge treatment and disposal of the workload and human and material costs. And if the sludge depth of dehydration, can greatly reduce the sludge moisture content, so that the sludge moisture content of less than 60%.
    Sludge Dehydration refers to sludge conditioning by physical, chemical and biological methods. At the same time, the depth of sludge dewatering is not a single method, but the technology of dehydration process optimization, the combination of various methods, the current chemical flocculation and bio-leaching combination of more use, ultrasonic, thermal hydrolysis and electricity Dialysis are also gradually mature and popular. At the same time for the newer in Xiamen Jimei sewage treatment plant sludge depth treatment technology to explore.
Key words: sludge treatment, The depth of the sludge dewatering, moisture content
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
引言    2
第一章 污泥脱水技术概况    2
1.1污泥中水分    2
1.2传统污泥处理技术    3
1.4污泥深度脱水技术    4
1.5化学方法深度脱水    4
1.8生物沥浸调理污泥技术    5
1.7超声波处理技术    6
1.9电渗析脱水技术    6
1.6污泥热水解脱水技术    7
第二章 集美污水处理厂的污泥深度脱水技术    7
2.1污水处理厂简介    7
2.2污水处理流程    8
2.2污泥深度脱水流程    8
2.3主要设备    9
2.4污泥调理    9
2.5压滤脱水    9
2.6运行情况    10
2.7与传统带式压滤机脱水的对比分析    11
第三章 结论    11
致谢    11
参考文献:    12
随着经济的快速发展,城市污水的排放量逐年增多,同时污水处理率也必须随之提高。建国的1949年,全国仅有4座污水处理厂,截止到2015年,全国各省市建成的城镇污水处理厂已达3802座,城镇污水日处理能力达到1.82亿吨,城市污水处理率达91.97%[1]。污水处理量的增多直接造成了污泥产量的增多,而由于目前我国的政府政策中严重的“重水轻泥”现象,导致在污泥处理方面的重视和投入严重不足,大量废弃污泥并未得到安全有效的处置[2]。 集美污水处理厂污泥深度脱水技术分析:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_20872.html