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时间:2019-04-13 21:55来源:毕业论文

Design of propylene rectification tower control system based on OPC
Abstract: In the chemical or oil refineries, all aspects of the performance of tower equipment for the product output of the whole device, quality, production capacity and consumption of fixed, and waste treatment and environmental protection have a significant impact. According to the relevant information, tower equipment investment costs of the entire process equipment investment costs of a large proportion of. Therefore, the tower equipment design and research, by chemical, oil refining and other industries.The application of the propylene rectification tower based on OPC is introduced in this paper.. In this system the programming software rslogix500, trapezoid diagram prepared to realize the heating furnace control system design, using PID module to the outlet temperature of heating furnace and furnace temperature as control variables of the cascade control. Hardware selection, determine the valve, sensor, etc., with the configuration software Rsview32 design PC management system, drawing a system flow chart. Connect the two software through the RSlinx connection software, and take the PID module to control the interface of the PC management.. 
KeyWords: Propylene distillation column;  cascade control;  Industry;  automation
1.    绪论    1
1.1.    我国精馏塔控制系统的现状和水平    1
1.2.    丙烯精馏塔系统    1
1.2.1.    丙烯精馏塔    1
1.2.2.    我国丙烯精馏塔控制系统改进发展的目的和意义    2
1.2.3.    我国丙烯精馏塔控制的发展趋势    3
2.    软件介绍    4
2.1.    ControlLogix控制器    4
2.1.1.    ControlLogix系统的分类    5
2.2.    RSLogix500编程软件    7
2.2.1.    RSLogix 500软件界面简介    7
2.2.2.    RSLogix 500软件快速入门    8
2.2.3.    关于控制器通讯的几点说明    10
2.3.    RSLinx软件    11
2.4.    Rsview32组态软件    12
2.5.   OPC…12
3.    控制系统方案的设计介绍    14
3.1.    丙烯精馏塔扰动分析    14
3.2.    控制方案的设计与实现    16
3.3.    梯形图及硬件选型    17
3.4.    上位机管理软件的设计    23
4.    结论    29
致谢    30
参考文献    31
1.    绪论
随着我国经济的迅速发展,在化工或炼油厂中,塔设备的各方面性能对整个装置的产品产量,质量,生产能力和消费固定,和废物处理和环境保护有重大影响。据相关资料显示,塔设备的投资成本在整个过程的设备投资成本占很大一部分。因此,塔设备的设计和研究,在化工,炼油等行业显得尤为重要。 基于OPC的丙烯精馏塔控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_31991.html