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时间:2019-06-09 08:24来源:毕业论文

Study on characteristic aroma components of lavender essential oils
 Abstract: Two lavender essential oils,Xinjiang lavender No.1 and Xinjiang lavender No.2,were analyzed both by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography - diluted frequency analysis (GC-O) .Eighty volatile components of lavender essential oils were analyzed and identified by GC-MS. Thirty-one aroma compounds of lavender essential oils were identified by GC-O-AEDA, among which eleven terpenes, ten alcohols, six esters, two aldehydes, one ketone as well as one other compound. Through using “single point correction method” similar to the standard addition method,these aroma compounds from lavender essential oils were calculated.Quantitive data of the identified aroma compounds were obtained from calculating their relative quantitative correction factors. Finally, the characteristic aroma components of Xinjiang lavender essential oils are linalool, linalyl acetate and β- myrcene,respectively.
KeyWords: Lavender essential oils;Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS);Gas chromatography-olfactometry(GC-O);Aroma reconstitution experiments;Omission tests
1  绪论    1
1.1  薰衣草及其精油的研究概述    1
1.1.1 薰衣草的概述以及品种    1
1.1.2 薰衣草精油的研究概述    1
1.2 气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)    3
1.2.1 气相色谱-质谱的基本原理    3
1.2.2 气相色谱-质谱的应用领域及前景    4
1.3 气相色谱-嗅觉测量法(GC-O)    4
1.3.1 GC-O检测技术    4
1.3.2 GC-O的应用    6
1.4 本课题研究意义和内容    6
1.4.1 研究意义    6
1.4.2 研究内容    6
材料和方法    7
2.1  原料、试剂和仪器设备    7
2.1.1  实验原料    7
2.1.3  实验仪器设备及材料    8
2.2  GC-MS和GC-O    8
2.2.1 气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)    8
2.2.2 气相色谱-嗅觉测量法(GC-O)    9
2.3  GC-MS鉴定出的化合物的半定量    9
2.4 挥发性香气化合物的鉴定    9
2.5 挥发性香气化合物的定量方法    10
3  结果与讨论    11
3.1 挥发性香气化合物的鉴定    11
3.1.1 GC-MS的鉴定结果    11
3.1.2 GC-O香气成分分析结果    16
3.2 挥发性香气化合物的定量分析    18
4  结论    21
4.1 GC-MS和GC-O定性分析结果    21
4.2 薰衣草精油挥发性香气成分的定量结果    22
4.3 薰衣草精油中的特征香气成分的确定    22 薰衣草精油特征香气成分研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_34408.html