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时间:2019-09-01 21:04来源:毕业论文

A research on the altered AAO process in wastewater treatment
——Taking Jiangbian Wastewater Treatment Plant as an example
Abstract: With the increase of the intensity of the national sewage treatment, the number of city wastewater treatment plants spreads across the country quickly. The wastewater treatment effect is paid attention to the mass widely. This paper introduces a Changzhou wastewater treatment plant process. Through the investigation of the wastewater treatment plant in 2014. It analyses the water quality indexes of the wastewater treatment plant.  The result shows that, the average removal rate of the wastewater treatment plant about BOD5, COD, SS, NH3-N, TP reached 98.2%, 84.6%, 95.2%, 96.9%, 92.3%. The effluent quality is better than China's "Urban Sewage Treatment Plant Pollutant Discharge Standard" (GB18918-2002). Because of the long-term operation, this plant appears many problems. Such as sludge floating problem, bubble problem, the depth of treatment for dosing dose and water reuse problem. According to these problems, the paper offers some solving measures. With other same or similar wastewater treatment plants, it has certain reference value to other design of sewage treatment plants.
Keywords: sewage treatment plant; the altered AAO process; water quality index; operation effect
1   引言    1
1.1   研究背景和内容    1
1.2   改良型AAO工艺    2
1.2.1  改良型AAO工艺概述    2
1.2.2  改良型AAO工艺与传统AAO工艺的区别    2
2   常州市某污水处理厂概况及其工艺评价    3
2.1  污水处理厂概况    3
2.2  工艺评价    3
2.2.1  一级处理的特点    3
2.2.2  二级处理的特点    4
2.2.3  三级处理的特点    4
2.2.4  污泥处理的特点    4
2.3  进出水水质    4
3  污水处理厂的运行效果    5
3.1改良型 AAO工艺对BOD5的处理效果    5
3.2 改良型AAO工艺对COD的处理效果    6
3.3 改良型AAO工艺对SS的处理效果    7
3.4改良型 AAO工艺对NH3-N的处理效果    8
3.5 改良型AAO工艺对TP的处理效果    9
4  长期运行过程中遇到的问题及解决措施    10
4.1   污泥上浮问题    10
4.1.1污泥上浮现象及原因    10
4.1.2解决措施    10
4.2   深度处理投加药剂问题及解决方法    11
4.3   泡沫问题    12 污水处理厂改良型AAO工艺的运行效果调研:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_38719.html