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时间:2017-03-20 21:15来源:毕业论文

关键词: 色度去除率;臭氧氧化;聚合氯化铝;次氯酸钠
The mechanism of the chroma change in the wastewater treatment process and the study of color removal
Abstract:World paper industry water behind metal and chemical industries, as the sixth largest source of pollution. And China's paper industry is the amount of pollution ranks first in the top ten industries, papermaking wastewater treatment process because of its process, it will result in higher chroma, if freely into the water will cause the water landscape chromaticity deepen, causing water penetration light difficulties, not only affect the water body aesthetics, easier to affect the survival of plants and animals in water, so the industry standard for their country have more specific requirements. Goal of this thesis to discuss the wastewater treatment process chromaticity change mechanism, and to study the various options for a given enterprise papermaking wastewater color removal after effects, specific programs were sodium hypochlorite oxidation, ozone advanced oxidation, polymerization aluminum chloride coagulation. And end of the experiment comparing color removal among the various programs, taking into account their actual economic viability of the industry.
KeyWords:Color removal;ozone oxidation;PAC;sodium hypochlorite
目  录

1 绪论1
2  选题依据3
2.1  造纸废水的种类和特点3
2.1.2 造纸废水中的主要污染物5
2.1.3 造纸废水水质控制指标6
2.2  造纸废水排放行业标准7
2.3   方案的论述与选择9
3  实验过程及结果讨论15
3.1  实验材料16
3.1.1  实验仪器16
3.1.2  实验原水17
3.1.2  实验药剂17
3.2 NaClO氧化工艺去除造纸废水色度的探究18
3.2.1  实验原理与目的19
3.2.2  实验结果与讨论19
3.3.1  实验原理与目的21
3.3.2  实验结果与讨论22
   3.4 PAC混凝工艺去除造纸废水色度的研究23
3.4.1  实验原理与目的24
3.4.2 实验结果与讨论25
4  探讨总结27
1 绪论  
水体是地表水、地下水及其中包含的底质、水中生物等的总称。地表水包括海洋、江、河、湖泊、水库(渠)、沼泽、冰盖和冰川水,地下水分为潜水和承压水。地球上存在的总水量约为1.36*1018 m3 ,其中,海水约占97.2%,淡水仅约占2.7%,并且大部分存在于地球南、北极的冰川、冰盖及深层地下,人类比较容易利用的淡水资源总计不到淡水总量的1%[1]。
水是自然界珍贵的资源,人类离开水就无法生存。无论是生活还是生产,水都是必要条件。水资源并不是取之不尽,用之不竭的,往往经过人类某些工业生产活动后,使用水会受到一定程度的污染,此时,若直接将受污染的水排放到河流、湖泊等自然水域中会造成一定程度的水污染,影响水体中生物的生命活动,若程度严重,甚至会危害水体周边居民的生命安全。    废水处理过程中色度变化机理及色度去除的研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_4323.html