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时间:2019-12-21 17:20来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 滴灌;农业;挤出成型;工厂设计; 

Abstract: This topic is the design process of the workshop of the agricultural drip irrigation pipe on the ground. Conform to the current science and technology agriculture, green agriculture development prospects. The technological process used in this design mainly is extrusion molding and injection molding. Design content mainly includes the premise form, formula design, process design, the economic benefits of material balance, the choice of the production process. At present, the main drip irrigation equipment is the agricultural thin wall type drip irrigation pipe, this kind of drip irrigation technology is mainly used in the field agriculture. The main use of orchard agriculture and indoor high economic benefit of crop external drop irrigation pipe type or pressure compensating drip irrigation equipment. The design is mainly aimed at low cost and high efficiency in field production, and is suitable for the thin wall drip irrigation pipe in large area.

Key Words: Drip irrigation; agriculture; extrusion; plant design;


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 概述 1

1.1 可行性研究的目的和意义 1

1.2 设计依据和设计程序 2

1.2.1 设计任务书 2

1.2.2 设计的主要内容 3

2 厂址选择 4

2.1 基本原则 4

2.2 厂址说明 4

2.3 厂址选择对比 5

3 总平面设计 7

3.1 概述 7

3.2 厂区总平面布置 7

3.2.1 布置原则 7

3.2.2 厂区布置图 8

4 工艺设计概论 9

4.1 生产方法和工艺流程的选择 9

4.1.1 管材的制造 9

4.1.2 管件的制造 22

4.2 工艺流程图 年产1万吨聚乙烯农业灌溉管材件车间工艺设计:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_43874.html
