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时间:2020-11-17 15:52来源:毕业论文
摘要 随着社会的发展ˈ人们ሩ纸张的需求和消耗逐渐增࣐ˈ导㠤制⍶䙐纸ᐕ业的用水䟿৺废水排放䟿大䟿增࣐DŽ制⍶䙐纸废水ᡀ分复杂ǃ⍺ᓖ大ǃ⊑染物浓ᓖ高ǃਟ生ॆ性差ˈ是一种处理困

摘要  随着社会的发展ˈ人们ሩ纸张的需求和消耗逐渐增࣐ˈ导㠤制⍶䙐纸ᐕ业的用水䟿৺废水排放䟿大䟿增࣐DŽ制⍶䙐纸废水ᡀ分复杂ǃ⍺ᓖ大ǃ⊑染物浓ᓖ高ǃਟ生ॆ性差ˈ是一种处理困难ǃড害大的ᐕ业废水DŽ在综ਸ∄较ഭ内外ᡀ熟的ᐕ艺৺最ᯠ研究ᡀ果的基础кˈ针ሩ䈕厂的水质ǃ水䟿状况ˈሩ制⍶黑液৺中段废水分别处理ˈ选用 UASB˄к流式়≗⊑泥床˅反ᓄ器ሩ制⍶黑液䘋行单独处理ਾо中段废水混ਸˈ采用ॆ学混凝৺ SBR˄序批式反ᓄ器˅混ਸᐕ艺处理综ਸ废水ˈ并ሩ构筑物设计䘀行参数䘋行计算ˈ作ѫ要构筑物മ纸DŽ   ޣ䭞词 ޣ䭞词 ޣ䭞词 ޣ䭞词˖制⍶䙐纸废水 UASB  ॆ学混凝 SBR   59693
Abstract  With the development of society, there is a gradually growing need and consumption of paper, leading to a significant increase in water consumption and waste water emission of the pulp and paper industry. Pulp and paper wastewater has a complex composition, a high turbidity, high concentrations of pollutants and a poor biodegradability. It is a kind of industrial wastewater which is difficult to deal with and do great harm to the environment. On the basis of a comprehensive comparison of mature technologies and the latest results of research, we choose UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge bed) reactor for treating pulping  wastewater separately and the combined process of chemical coagulation and SBR (sequencing batch reactor) for mixed wastewater according to water quality and quantity conditions of this plant. Design and operation parameters are also calculated and the blueprints of main structures are given.   
Key words: pulp and paper wastewater; UASB; chemical coagulation; SBR

  目 目目 目    录 录录 录 

摘   要. I 

Abstract  II 

1.  ᐕ程概况 .. 1 

2.  设计依据ǃ规范ǃ范围৺原ࡉ .. 1 

2.1  设计依据 . 1 

2.2  设计范围 . 1 

2.3  设计原ࡉ . 1 

3.  设计规模о设计水䟿  2 

3.1  废水水质 . 2 

3.2  设计废水处理水䟿  2 

3.3  排放标准 . 2 

4.  ᐕ艺选择 .. 3 

4.1  制⍶黑液的处理 . 3 

4.2  综ਸ废水的处理 . 4 

4.3  ⊑水处理ᐕ艺流程  5 

4.4  处理效果预⍻ .. 7 

5.  ᐕ程设计 .. 8 

5.1  斜网  8 

5.2  酸ॆ调节⊐  8 

5.3 UASB反ᓄ器  9 

5.4  调节⊐  15 

5.5  混凝反ᓄ⊐ . 15 

5.6  沉淀⊐  21 

5.7 SBR反ᓄ⊐ . 23 

5.8  芦苇种植塘 . 26 

5.9  ⊑泥浓缩⊐ . 27 

6.  㓿济分析  29 

6.1  土建䍩用估算  29 

6.2  设备䍩用估算  30 

6.3  ᐕ程总投资估算 .. 32 

7.  ᐕ程䘀行䍩用估算 .. 32 

7.1  ࣘ力䍩  32 

7.2  药剂䍩  32 

7.3  ⊑泥处置䍩用  32 

7.4  人ᐕ䍩  33 

7.5  总䍩用  33 

8.  结论.. 33 

㠤谢  34 

参考文献.. 35 

1. ᐕ程概况 ᐕ程概况 ᐕ程概况 ᐕ程概况 某厂采用芦苇⻡法制⍶䙐纸ˈ排放废水㓖Ѫ 20000 吨/天ˈ废水ѫ要来源于ᥔ⍶机的黑液ǃ洗⍶机的黑中段水ǃ漂ⲭ机的ⲭ中段水和外排ⲭ水˄漂ⲭ采用ECF漂ⲭᐕ艺˅ˈަ中黑液Ѫ 2000 吨/天ˈ中段水(包括黑ǃⲭ中段水和外排ⲭ水)Ѫ 18000 吨/天DŽ  20000吨制浆造纸废水处理工艺初步设计 :http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_64987.html
