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时间:2021-04-26 21:47来源:毕业论文

摘 要:从石油制取对二甲苯是石化领域重要的化工技术之一。依托于团队的芳烃联合生产对二甲苯工艺设计方案,本设计主要对工艺系统集成、厂址选择及厂区布置进行研究。通过换热网络优化设计,本工艺有效节能约30%,厂址选在江苏省连云港徐圩化学工业园区,该区在原料来源、运输条件、优惠政策、基础设施和社会效益等方面具有显著优势,厂区内车间、生活区与安全区分别呈“U”、“L”和“一”字形分布,厂区布置符合“合理化、规范化、人性化”的理念。66451


Abstract: The process from petroleum to paraxylene is one of the most important chemical engineering technology in the field of petrochemical industry. Based on the design scheme of aromatic joint production of paraxylene proposed by our team, process system integration, plant location selection and factory layout were studied. Through the optimization of heat exchanger network , the process energy saved was proportional 30%. The plant site selection was located in Xuwei Chemical Industrial Park, Lianyungang in Jiangsu province. This area has significant advantages in the source of raw materials, transportation condition, preferential policies, infrastructure, social benefits, etc. The layouts of workshop, living zone and safety region presented shapes of “一”, “L” and “U” in the plant, which was in accordance with the concept layout rationalization, standardization and humanization. 

Keywords: paraexylene, process system integration, plant location selection, factory layout

目  录

1 前言 3

2 工艺系统集成 3

2.1 概述 3

2.2 芳烃联合生产装置系统集成方案 3

2.2.1 物料集成方案 3

2.2.2 能量集成方案 38

3 厂址选择 42

3.1 概述 42

3.2 厂址选择原则 42

3.3 连云港徐圩新区的区域背景 43

3.4 连云港徐圩新区的概况 44

3.5 连云港徐圩新区的条件分析 45

3.5.1 地理位置 45

3.5.2 自然条件 46

3.5.3 交通情况 47

3.5.4 电力情况 48

3.5.5 供水情况 48

3.5.6 产业链优势 48

3.6 政府支持政策 48

4 厂区布置 49

4.1 设计依据 49

4.2 设计原则 49

4.3 总平面布置方案 50

4.4 工厂运输 55

4.5 土建工程 56

4.6 给排水 57

4.7 供电及电讯 57

4.8 供热及热电车间 57

4.9 采暖通风及空气调节 57

4.10 防雷防静电工程 年产100万吨PX工艺系统集成设计厂址选择及厂区布置:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_74399.html
