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时间:2021-07-04 14:00来源:毕业论文
聚酰亚胺气凝胶具有极佳的物理特性,使用其凝胶作为 3D 打印墨水, 可以制作出可自支撑的微结构,大大减小其密度,改良其性能。我们将探索 3D 打印墨水的配比以及尝试各种材料与

摘要本论文主要探讨 3D 打印技术与气凝胶墨水之间的结合。该方法是使用石墨 烯气凝胶悬浮液作为墨水,利用 3D 打印技术通过挤压经过喷嘴最后形成 3D 结 构。使用 3D 打印技术制成的气凝胶,其力学性能和可压缩性能都是此前工艺无 法企及的,这让复杂的气凝胶体系结构更适应广阔的应用。本文章主要集中在实 验中开发可打印的 GO(氧化石墨烯)墨水和聚酰亚胺溶胶墨水。开发打印墨水 是具有挑战性的,因为大多数 GO 石墨烯气凝胶前体开始相当稀,不具备 3D 打印 墨水所需的流变性能和粘度,最近,GO 粉末的流变特性经过研究已经能够进行 复杂结构的制作。有报道说更高浓度的 GO 悬浮液同样可以制作出高品质的石墨 烯气凝胶。这些报道证明浓缩的 GO 悬浮液在一些基础条件下可以凝胶(例如: 加入氢氧化铵)。69085

同时,聚酰亚胺气凝胶具有极佳的物理特性,使用其凝胶作为 3D 打印墨水, 可以制作出可自支撑的微结构,大大减小其密度,改良其性能。我们将探索 3D 打印墨水的配比以及尝试各种材料与 3D 打印技术的结合。

该论文有图 20 幅,表 3 个,参考文献 14 篇。

毕业论文关键词:3D 打印 气凝胶墨水 纳米微结构

Research and exploration of aerogel ink for 3D printing


This paper mainly discusses the combination of 3D printing technology and GO suspensions ink. By using the grapheme air gel suspension as the ink this technique employs a three-axis motion stage to assemble 3D structures by robotically extruding a continuous ‘ink’ filament through a micronozzle at room temperature in a layer-by-layer scheme. The use of 3D printing technology made of aerogel, e mechanical properties and compression performance are previously process can not be reach, which makes complex aerogel architecture is more suitable for wide application. This paper focuses on the experimental development of a printed GO (graphene oxide) ink and polyimide sol ink. Printable GO ink development is challenging because most GO-based graphene aerogels begin with fairly dilute precursor GO suspensions that do not possess the required rheological behavior for a 3D printable ink as they are low-viscosity Newtonian fluids. Recently, the rheological behavior of GO dispersions has been investigated to enable further fabrication of GO into complex architectures. There are reports of higher concentration GO suspensions that can also make high-quality grapheme aerogels. These reports demonstrate gelation of concentrated GO suspensions under basic conditions (for  example, addition of ammonium hydroxide).

At the same time, polyimide air gel has excellent physical properties, using PI gel as 3D printing ink, we can produce the production that can support the micro structure, greatly reduce its density, improve its performance. We will explore the ratio of 3D printing ink and try a variety of materials to combine with 3D printing technology.

Key Words: 3D print GO ink nano-structure


Abstract II

图清单 IV

表清单 IV

1 绪论 1

1.1 3D 打印 1

1.2 溶胶墨水 3

1.3 选题内容及其意义 4

2 GO ink 的文献调研及初步探索 6 用于3D打印的气凝胶墨水的研究探索:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_77865.html
