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时间:2021-08-24 19:49来源:毕业论文

摘要:本设计为海事大学办公楼建筑结构设计,总建筑面积约为 5054m2,建 6 层,采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,为丙类建筑。地面粗糙度 B 类,基本风压 0.55kN/m2,抗震设 防烈度 7 度(0.1g),设防地震分组第一组,场地类别Ⅳ类,抗震等级三级。

建筑设计中,贯彻适用、安全、经济、美观的设计原则,充分考虑到房间的分布、采 光和通风,针对设计要求合理布置房间,完成平面图、立面图和剖面图的绘画。结构设计 中,完成结构布置,然后使用 PKPM 建模,在满足轴压比、周期比、位移比等七大指标 的情况下,调整梁柱板尺寸。在基础设计中完成柱下独立基础的设计,并导出计算书。手 算部分中,进行梁板柱尺寸的估算和各类荷载的计算,接着选取代表性一榀框架,进行重 力荷载代表值、横向抗侧移刚度、自振周期、水平地震计算、内力组合、梁板柱配筋和楼 梯计算。最后完成了梁板柱平法施工图、基础施工图、楼梯配筋图。71218


Shanghai Maritime University office building structure design

Abstract:This design is designed for the construction of the Maritime University office building, with a total GFA of about 5054m2 and a 6-storey building. The cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure is a Class C building. Ground  roughness

class B, the basic wind pressure 0.55kN / m2, seismic fortification intensity of 7 degrees (0.1g), fortification seismic grouping the first group, the venue category Ⅳ, seismic grade three. The structural safety grade is Grade 2, the design base period is 50 years, and the basic design grade is Grade B.

Architectural design, the implementation of the application, safety, economic, beautiful design principles, taking full account of the distribution of the room, lighting and ventilation. In the structural design, the structural arrangement is completed, and then the PKPM model is used to adjust the beam and column size when the three indexes such as axial compression ratio, cycle ratio and displacement ratio are satisfied. In the basic design to complete the column under the independent basis of the design, and export the calculation book. In this paper, the calculation of beam-plate-column size and the calculation of various loads are carried out. Then, a representative frame is selected to carry out the representative values of gravity load, lateral lateral stiffness, natural period, horizontal seismic calculation, internal force combination, Tendons and stairs. And finally completed the   beam

plate column construction method, the basic construction plans and stairs reinforcement map.

Key words:reinforced concrete frame; a frame; construction drawing


1 建筑方案设计 1

1.1 设计依据 1

1.1.1 任务书 1

1.1.2 规范 1

1.2 设计要求 1

1.3 建筑设计方案 2

1.3.1 平面设计 2

1.3.2 立面设计 3

1.3.3 剖面设计 4

1.3.4 楼(屋)面设计 5

2  结构方案设计 6

2.1 设计依据 6

2.1.1 任务书 6

2.1.2 规范 6

2.2 设计要求 6

2.3 结构设计方案 6层海事大学办公楼建筑结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_80810.html
