本次设计为某年产10万吨啤酒厂废水处理工艺的设计。应该根据它的处理规模及水质的情况,通过分析后选择合适的废水处理工艺。啤酒废水按有机物含量可分为3类:①清洁废水如冷冻机冷却水,麦汁冷却水等。这类废水基本上未受污染。②清洗废水如漂洗酵母水、洗瓶水、生产装置清洗水等,这类废水受到不同程度污染。③含渣废水如麦糟液、冷热凝固物。剩余酵母等,这类废水含有大量有机悬浮性固体。啤酒厂各个工序产生的废水集中到一起排放【1】。其排放的污水量随季节有所不同,处理水量可按3000m3/d考虑,其水质按如下考虑: CODcr:1800mg/L, BOD5:900mg/L,SS:400mg/L,NH3-N:~18mg/L, pH:6~9。经过工艺处理后的废水可以排入就近的河流中,其水质执行《啤酒工业污染物排放标准》(GB12821-2005)。
经分析知该处理水质有机污染物质较高,但可生化性较好,故决定采用生物处理即可达到出水标准。本工程预处理工段主要去除污水中的悬浮物质和大颗粒有机物质。二级处理主要采用生物法,包括UASB+SBR,可有效去除污水中的BOD、COD等。本次设计工艺流程决定采用为:啤酒生产废水 → 格栅集水井 → 调节沉淀池 →提升泵→ UASB反应池→二沉池→ SBR池 →达标排放。 污泥工段进入重力浓缩池浓缩后送至压滤间脱水处理。
毕业论文关键词: 啤酒废水 UASB SBR
Design description
Water is one of the important resources of people's lives and production activities, but because of the nature of water resources is limited, the distribution is very uneven。 In recent decades, with the development of industry and city construction, our country city environmental pollution especially water pollution is becoming a serious problem, China is a personal possession of water resources the amount of poor countries, only the world average value of 1/4, and the uneven distribution, difficult exploitation, many regions and city of serious water shortage, at the same time, the national annual emissions of 35 billion cubic meters, but the city centralized sewage treatment rate is only 7%, 80% of the sewage has not been effectively dealt and discharged into the rivers and lakes。 The The water pollution situation in China is very serious, and further exacerbated the shortage of water resources shortage。 It can be said of serious water pollution and water resources has become seriously restricting the sustainable development of China's economy and society, endanger the ecological environment, affecting people's lives and physical health problems, the urgent need to be addressed in the textile, printing and dyeing。 Paper, food and other industries are now growing up, the industrial waste water discharge to the environment damage caused by pollution, the important resources of River land, so in order to protect our survival environment, maintaining ecological balance and does not affect the normal development of mankind。 年产10万吨啤酒厂废水处理工艺设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_83420.html