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时间:2022-01-18 21:03来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  数字图像处理  卷烟  灰度图像


Title     Grayscale Recognition Methods Of a Cigarette’s Ashes  By Digital Image Processing                   

Abstract In this article ,we research the gray level image of a burning cigarette’s ashes using digital image process in MATLAB software。 We can get the useful information of the gray level image which may connects to the cigarette’s quality and puff frequency。 We also get the texture information in different parts of a cigarette。 Firstly, convert the original image of a cigarette’s ashes to grayscale image and cut out the combustion area。 Secondly,find out the background’s gray level range and according to the characters of different parts remove the background, when background’s gray level is similar to combustion area, we should use smaller area to remove the background。 Finally get grayscale histograms of different images, extract grayscale value and get maxim ,calculate the average grayscale。 We find the better the cigarette’s quality, the higher the average grayscale ,the greater the maxim。 The maxim of average grayscale is in the middle of a cigarette’s ashes, the texture of different parts are similar 。

Keywords  digital image processing  cigarette  grayscale image

目  录

1  绪论 1

1。1  课题背景 1

1。2  国内外研究状况 1

1。2。1  国外研究状况 1

1。2。2  国内研究状况 2

1。3  研究目标和内容 3

2  实验平台搭建 4

2。1  实验仪器 4

2。2  实验材料 4

2。3 实验装置图 4

2。4  实验步骤 7

2。5  注意事项 8

3  图像处理方法 10

3。1  去背景方法概述 10

3。2  去背景的原理 10

3。3  本文方法介绍 10

3。4  去背景步骤 14

4  实验结果与分析 19

4。1  不同品质卷烟燃区灰度结果分析 19

4。2  不同燃烧长度卷烟燃区灰度结果分析 26

4。3  不同抽吸频率卷烟燃区灰度结果分析 MATLAB数字图像处理的卷烟燃烧灰烬灰度识别方法:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_88611.html
