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时间:2022-02-27 22:41来源:毕业论文

摘要本课题研究的新型荷正电纳滤膜是以 2-Cl-1-甲基吡啶鎓碘化物(CMPI)作为 活化剂,由聚(胺)树枝状大分子(PAMAM,G2)与聚酰胺复合膜表面的羧酸 反应制备而成。该膜具有良好的接枝效率。由于自由质子化的氨基基团密度高, 膜对各种重金属有良好的截留效果,Cu2+、Pb2+的截留率高低顺序也遵循水合离子 半径的大小规律,截留率均在 85%以上。此外,所获得的膜表面接枝方法与由传 统的涂层工艺方法制备的膜相比,表现出优异的碱性稳定性。这些结果清楚地表 明,在聚酰胺复合膜表面上接枝聚(胺)树枝状大分子,是提高重金属的截留效 果的一种有效方法。78374

毕业论文关键词 复合纳滤膜 界面聚合 截留机理 树状大分子 荷正电
Title The study on PAMAM grafting assembly of positively charged nanofiltration membrane and removal of heavy metals in water

Abstract A novel positively charged nanofiltration membrane has been prepared by the reaction of   carboxylic   acids   on   the   surface   of   a   polyamide   thin   film   composite with2-chloro-1-methylpyridinium iodide(CMPI) as an activating agent。 The membrane  was

prepared with excellent grafting efficiency。 Due to the high density of free protonated amino groups, the membrane showed excellent  rejections  towards  various heavy metals including Cu2+and Pb2+。 The rejection order also followed the size of the ions in terms of their hydrated radius, the rejections are all over 85%。 Furthermore, the membrane obtained by the surface grafting method exhibited outstanding alkaline stability compared to the membrane prepared by the conventional  coating process。 These results clearly indicate that grafting the poly(amidoamine) dendrimer onto the surface of the polyamide thin film composite membrane is a promising approach to

improve the rejection of heavy metals。

Keywords positive charge nanofiltration membrane poly(amidoamine) dendrimer surface grafting heavy metal removal

1 引言 1

1。1 纳滤膜 1

1。2 纳滤膜的制备 3

1。3 膜荷电技术 4

1。4 树状大分子接枝技术 4

1。5 课题研究方法和内容 5

2 材料 6

2。1 实验材料 6

2。2 实验设备 6

2。3 纳滤膜的制备 7

2。4 膜的性能表征 9

3 实验结果与讨论 11

3。1SEM 11

3。2ContactAngle 12 树状大分子接枝组装荷正电纳滤膜及其对水中重金属的去除研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_90311.html
