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时间:2022-05-29 11:11来源:毕业论文

摘要: 本论文提出在蓝宝石、铝酸锂和ZnO衬底上无极性氧化锌薄膜制备技术的研究,主要借助衬底材料对ZnO薄膜结晶和取向性的诱导作用,通过研究蓝宝石、铝酸锂和ZnO衬底上氧化锌薄膜制备工艺,获得并了解氧化锌薄膜的结晶取向和发光性能的控制方法,并在此基础上,减小氧化锌薄膜内部缺陷密度,提高薄膜结晶质量和发光性能,探索提高光输出功率和发光效率的解决方法。因为ZnO薄膜的表面能最小的面是C面,所以ZnO薄膜择优生长的方向通常选择的是沿着C轴的方向,从而导致ZnO薄膜的极性在C轴的方向上特别强,所以一般情况下都是ZnO薄膜的极性面容易被制备出来,多数制备方法得到的ZnO薄膜通常会出现多取向特征,出现单一非极性面取向的难度较高,因此要采用非极性衬底,并控制好生长条件。最终的研究结论表明,不同材质的衬底和退火温度这两个制备条件对ZnO薄膜的取向和光学性能有一定的影响,但是ZnO薄膜的结晶质量和光学质量仍主要由薄膜沉积方法的特征和成膜机理决定。81083

毕业论文关键词: ZnO薄膜;无极性;薄膜取向;发光性能

     Study on the preparation of non-polar ZnO films 

Abstract: This thesis puts forward the research about non-polarity ZnO thin films preparation technology on sapphire, lithium aluminate and ZnO substrates。 Mainly with the aid of the induce effect of substrate materials on the crystallization and orientation of ZnO thin films, the control method of the crystal orientation and luminescence performance of zinc oxide thin films can be understood and achieved through studying ZnO thin film preparation technology on the sapphire, lithium aluminate and ZnO substrates。 Based on this study, the aim of the thesis lies in resolving the core problem such as the optical output power and luminous efficiency of ZnO films by reducing the defect density in the films, and further improving the crystallization quality and luminous performance of thin films。 Because the surface energy of the c face of ZnO is lowest, ZnO grows usually along the c axis orientation。 However, the strong polarity exists on this direction of ZnO, so the polar surface is generally obtained easily, while a single non-polar surface orientation of ZnO thin films is achieved difficultly。 Therefore, the choice of the non-polar substrates is necessary, and the control of the growing conditions is important for preparing the non-polar ZnO films。 Final conclusions show that different substrates and annealing temperature have a certain impact on the orientation and emission performance of ZnO thin films, but the quality of crystallization  and the optical quality of ZnO thin films mainly depend on the characteristics of the  deposition method and the physical mechanism of the film formation。

Keywords:ZnO films; Non-polar; film orientation; luminescence performance 


摘要 i

Abstract i

1 引言 1

1。1 ZnO薄膜的基本性质 1

1。1。1 ZnO薄膜的光电性质 1

1。1。2 ZnO薄膜的气敏性 2

1。1。3 ZnO薄膜的压电性质 2

1。1。4 ZnO薄膜的压敏性质 3

1。2 无极性ZnO薄膜研究现状及发展趋势 3

1。3 本文研究思路和内容 4

2 ZnO薄膜的制备和表征 无极性ZnO薄膜的制备和表征研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_94490.html
