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时间:2022-06-14 22:56来源:毕业论文

摘要目前,煤、石油、天然气等是被人们利用的主要能源。然而,这些资源并不是 取之不尽,用之不竭的,终有一天会枯竭耗尽。再加上,现在所使用的发电设备能 源利用效率很低,且容易造成环境的大面积污染。因此,发展利用对环境污染较低, 能源利用率高的资源对于我国乃至世界都是至关重要的。如今,燃料电池作为一种 高效、洁净、安全的高效能源,走进了大众的视野。而其中的管式固体燃料的电池 因其较高的密封性能与较低的成本更为广泛的被青睐。本文主要研究阳极集流件对 管式固体氧化物燃料电池性能的影响。81561

第一章首先介绍了燃料电池的研究背景及其发展历程。其次,简单的介绍了一 下燃料电池的基本原理及其工作过程。同时对于燃料电池的种类及其优缺点进行了 系统的分析。然后,介绍了固体氧化物的基本原理及其优点等。

第二章介绍了阳极支撑的管式固体氧化物燃料电池,包括几何结构、气体输送 控制方程、导电控制方程以及电化学方程等。

第三章分析了不同管内径值和阴极厚度时,阳极集流件宽度对电池性能的影响。 发现当管内径一定时,随着阳极集流件宽度的增加,对应的输出电流也在增加,但 是输出电流的增长速率不断减小。当阴极厚度一定时,随着阳极集流件宽度的增加, 输出电流也在不断增加,但是输出电流的增长速率不断减小。


毕业论文关键词:燃料电池;SOFC; 阳极支撑 ;阳极集流件。

Abstract At present, coal, petroleum, natural gas is the main energy used by people。 However, these resources are not inexhaustible。one day ,they will run out。 Now the energy use efficiency of power generation equipment is very low。And it is easy to  cause environmental pollution。 Therefore, development and utilization of environmental pollution is low, high energy utilization rate of resources is very important for our country and even the world。 Nowadays, the fuel cell as an efficient, clean, efficient energy security,has already into the public view。And the tube type solid fuel cell is more widely used because of its high sealing performance and low cost。Influence on the performance of tubular solid oxide fuel cell anode current collector is mainly studied in this paper。

The first chapter introduces the research background and development process of fuel cell。 Secondly, it's simply introduct about the basic principle of fuel cell and its working process。 At the same time for fuel cell types and their advantages and disadvantages were system analysis。 Then, this paper introduces the solid oxide basic principle and advantages。 In the second chapter, the anode supported tubular solid oxide fuel cell is introduced, including the geometric structure, the gas transportation control equation, the conductive

control equation and the electrochemical equation。

In the third chapter, the inner diameter and the thickness of cathode are analyzed:effect of anode current collector width on the performance of the battery。 The results show that when the tube diameter is certain, with the increase of the width of the collecting anode member, corresponding to the output current also increased,  but the output current growth rate decreases。 When the cathode thickness is certain, with the increase of the width of the collecting anode member, current output also increased, but the output current growth rate decreases。

The conclusion part makes a summary of this paper。

Keywords: fuel cell ;SOFC; Anode Channel;Anode current collector position

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 阳极集流件对管式固体氧化物燃料电池性能的影响:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_95378.html
