摘要: 教育的发展离不开环境,环境是重要的教育资源。环境会影响到幼儿的身心健康发展,对此,本文通过文献法、观察法和访谈法,对周口市S 幼儿园室内环境创设现状进行观察研究。主要从室内环境的创设内涵界定及重要性、幼儿园环境创设现状、幼儿园室内环境创设存在的问题及原因分析等几个方面进行研究。在此基础上,根据室内环境存在的问题,提出一些合理化建议:五大领域的教育性要充分地体现、教师应该给幼儿提供参与创作的机会、适时更新主题墙内容、教师利用资源。84990
毕业论文关键词: 幼儿园; 室内; 环境创设
The Investigation of Status quo of Establishment of Kindergarten’s Indoor Environment——Taking Kindergarten S in Zhoukou as an Example
Abstract:environment is a very crucial educational source, thus the development of education can not be separated from environment。 Environment could influence young children’ physical and mental development。 Therefore, this paper would observe and investigate the status quo of establishment of indoor environment in kindergarten S in Zhoukou, Henan province by using documentary method, observational method and interviewing method。 This paper mainly analyze the definition and importance of kindergarten’s indoor environment, the status quo of establishment of kindergarten’s environment, and the problems in the establishment of kindergarten’s environment。 Based on that, this paper would bring forward three reasonable recommendations for problems existing in establishment of kindergarten’s indoor environment: First, teacher should fully embody the educational effect in five fields。 Second, teachers should offer children opportunity to join in the activity of crating kindergarten’s indoor environment。 Third, teacher should renew the content of theme wall and teaching resources duly。
Key words: Kindergarten; Indoor; Environment creation;
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、幼儿园室内环境创设内涵界定及重要性 2
(一)幼儿园室内环境创设的内涵 2
(二)幼儿园室内环境创设的重要性 2
二、幼儿园环境创设现状 3
(一)幼儿园室内环境与五大领域的关联性 3
(二)幼儿园室内环境创设的参与人员 4
(三)幼儿园室内环境创设的更新频率 5
(四)幼儿园室内环境创设所用材料 6
三、幼儿园室内环境创设原因分析 7
(一)教师偏注重美化作用,忽略教育性 7
(二)教师包办,儿童参与性少、忽视自主性 8
(三)室内环境创设的重要性认识不足 8
(四)没有充分利用家长和社区资源 8
四、幼儿园室内环境创设改善建议 9
(一)五大领域的教育性要充分地体现 9
(二)教师应该给幼儿参与创作的机会 9
(三)适时更新主题墙内容 9
(四)教师利用废物资源 10
参考文献 幼儿园室内环境创设现状调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_101365.html