Research on undergraduate teaching quality assurance system in Research Universities in Jiangsu Province
Abstract The higher education in Jiangsu province is in a period of rapid development, build a group of high level research universities is the main objective of higher education in Jiangsu province, to train a group of excellent talents with international competitiveness is the fundamental of the research universities。 In this paper, the undergraduate teaching quality assurance system in Research Universities in Jiangsu province is studied in depth。 On the basis of previous studies, according to the actual situation of Jiangsu province and the case analysis, the key influencing factors of teaching quality are extracted and the influencing factors of extraction are analyzed, undergraduate teaching quality assurance system in Research Universities have been designed。 At last, combining with the practice of teaching quality management in research universities of Jiangsu Province, put forward the reasonable position of change idea, strengthen the construction of teaching staff on comprehensive control measures and so on。
Keywords: Research University, Undergraduate Education, Teaching Quality Assurance System
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
1 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景及意义 1
1。1。1 研究背景 1
1。1。2 研究意义 1
1。2 研究现状 1
1。3 研究方法 2
1。4 研究内容与创新点 2
1。4。1 研究内容 2
1。4。2 主要创新点 3
2 研究型大学本科教学质量影响因素分析 4
2。1 教学质量关键影响因素的抽取 4
2。2 教学质量关键影响因素的分析 6
2。2。1 学生因素 8
2。2。2 师资因素 11
2。2。3 管理因素 13
3 研究型大学本科教学质量保证体系设计 16
3。1 质量保证体系的构建依据 16
3。1。1 以教育部有关本科教学文件精神为指导 16
3。1。2 以先进的质量管理理念为理论基础 18
3。1。3 以学校的定位和本科教学质量目标为出发点 19
3。2 本科教学质量保证体系的模型 19
3。3 本科教学质量保证体系流程 江苏省研究型大学本科教学质量保证体系研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_112944.html