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时间:2018-04-14 14:12来源:毕业论文

Mixed-age Classes in Language Education in Kindergartens in Rural Teachers ' Instruction Strategy Survey
Abstract: At present, many rural kindergarten students, teaching staff, the venue was due to objective conditions, such as having to passively take part mixed-age classes of organization, but a lot of problems in the implementation of education. This topics main from rural child care teachers in mixed age class language education activities of guide process in the appeared of problem and the effects factors for analysis, turn to rural child care teachers provides some science of Guide recommends, full uses kindergarten mixed age class language education of advantage--"children education children", let child care teachers again review mixed age class language education of value, and focused on for child care provides loose, and harmony of language learning environment, effective to grasp mixed age class language education activities of process and policy, improve classroom teaching activities of quality, Promote the development of children's language skills and teachers ' professional development.
Key words: mixed-age education,language education,education strategy
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、农村幼儿园混龄班语言教育活动中教师指导的调查分析    2
(一)农村幼儿园混龄班的教学客观条件的分析    3
(二)农村幼儿教师自身因素的调查分析    4
二、影响农村幼儿园混龄班语言教育活动中教师指导的因素分析    5
(一)幼儿教师对“混龄班语言教育”缺乏正确的理念认识    5
(二)幼儿教师对混龄班语言教育内容的选择缺乏适宜性    6
(三)语言教育目标的制定未突破同龄教育模式的限制    7
三、根据对现状的分析提出的一些解决方法及建议    8
(一)提高幼儿教师的专业素养并接受混龄班语言教育的教学理念    8
(二)教师自身的语言对混龄班语言教育活动指导    9
(三)提供宽松的交际环境来提高幼儿的语言交往热情    9
(四)多样化的语言教育指导策略    10
参考文献:    11
附录一    12
附录二    13
致  谢    16
在农村幼儿园实行混龄编班教育符合当前学前教育改革的理念,不仅能为幼儿创设更自然的教育生态环境,也可以有效的促进幼儿社会性品质的发展。[1]但是幼儿教师在混龄班教育实施过程中却出现了很多的问题,特别是在混龄班语言教育活动指导方面:《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》)中指出“幼儿期是语言发展的敏感期”,所以这一时期的语言教育是相当重要,这就给幼儿教师在语言指导方面提出了更高的要求。[2]但是目前的状况是农村幼儿教师由于对混龄班语言教育的价值缺乏正确的认识,导致他们在混龄班教育中不自觉地趋向于同龄教育的理念和模式来指导混龄班的语言教育活动,缺乏探讨适宜的农村幼儿园混龄班语言教育的课程模式的主动性。因此,给农村幼儿教师提供一些科学的语言教育指导建议是必要的。 农村幼儿园混龄班语言教育活动中教师指导策略的调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_13332.html