摘 要关于学前儿童戏剧教育的研究已经较为多见,但是关于学前儿童戏剧教育的理论研究以 及应该在幼儿园如何具体实施的研究仍略显不足。笔者通过阅读文献简单介绍了学前儿童戏 剧教育的概念,学前儿童戏剧教育在幼儿园的开展形式,学前儿童戏剧教育的相关理论以及 其价值。除此之外,笔者分别对教师、家长进行了问卷调查,对 M 幼儿园大班 19 名幼儿进 行了访谈,结合相关文献以及自己的实地观察,得出结论:1。教师层面:(1)多数教师不了 解学前儿童戏剧教育(2)教师对幼儿的自发戏剧活动观察不够 2。教学层面:(1)教师对戏 剧活动的指导策略选择有困惑(2)幼儿园中的戏剧教育活动开展数量较少(3)幼儿园开展 的戏剧活动内容不正确 3。家园合作方面:(1)家长对于学前儿童戏剧教育缺乏了解(2)幼 儿园的戏剧活动缺乏家长真正的支持
依据以上的调查结果,笔者汇总分析了一些幼儿园里学前儿童戏剧教育开展的不足,并 通过阅读相关文献结合调查针对性地提出了一些关于学前儿童戏剧教育实施的具体策略:1。 教师层面:(1)教师在开展戏剧活动之前做好充足准备(2)教师对幼儿的自发性戏剧活动 进行适当指导(3)学前教育专业开展有关戏剧教育的课程(4)戏剧教师在戏剧活动中的角 色担任 2。教学层面:(1)幼儿园戏剧活动具体实施策略建议(2)幼儿园根据情况开展不同 形态的戏剧教育活动(3)戏剧教学中约定的建构。3。家园合作方面:(1)利用交流媒介, 提升家长对戏剧教育的了解(2)邀请家长参与戏剧活动,亲自体验戏剧的魅力。88972
毕业论文关键词:学前儿童; 戏剧教育; 实施策略; 约定
AbstractThe research on early childhood drama education is relatively common, however its theoretical research and how to put it into practice seem still in shortage。 As there still exists some deviation on the understanding of early childhood drama education, I have introduced the concept of early childhood drama education, the methods of implementing in kindergartens and the related theory and value on early childhood drama education by paper reading。 Besides, I have done some questionnaire survey on some teachers and parents。 I also interviewed 19 children in a certain kindergarten M。 Finally, with the combination of related paper and my practical observation, I draw some conclusions as follows: 1。 About teachers : (1) Most teachers’ understanding of early childhood drama education is not enough。(2)Teachers lack observations about spontaneous drama activities from children。 2。 About teaching:(1) Some of teachers don’t know how to put this kind of education into practice in correct ways。(2)Drama activities in kindergartens are rare。(3)contents of the drama activities in kindergartens are not correct 3。About cooperation between parents and kindergartens: (1)Parents’ understanding of early childhood drama education is not enough。(2)Preschool children’s drama education is lack of support from parents。
On the basis of these conclusions above, I collect and analyze some shortage of early childhood drama education in kindergartens。 With the help of paper reading and investigation, I put forward some concrete strategy on the implementation of early childhood drama education: 1。 About teachers : (1) Teachers are supposed to make adequate preparations before drama activities。(2) Teachers should instruct children’s spontaneous drama activities properly (3) preschool education major in college should offer courses about drama education to improve teachers’ drama accomplishment。(4) Drama teacher should perform a role in drama activities。2。 About teaching: (1) Concrete strategies to implement the preschool children’s drama education (2) Kindergartens can hold different kinds of drama education activities according to their own requirements。(3) The establishment of convention in drama education。 3。 About cooperation between parents and kindergartens: (1) Teachers can use communication media so that parents can enhance their understanding of the drama education (2)源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 学前儿童戏剧教育的实施策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_172424.html