摘要幼小衔接是连接幼儿园教育与小学教育的一座桥梁,是儿童所面临的一次重大人生转 折,能否顺利实现幼小衔接对儿童具有重要意义。2015 年浙江省教育厅出台了《浙江省教 育厅办公室关于做好“幼小衔接”教育的指导意见》,就做好幼儿园和小学的衔接教育分别 对幼儿园和小学提出了要求。本次从杭州市幼儿园入手,调查在浙江省幼小衔接指导意见的 指导下杭州市幼儿园幼小衔接的现状,在调查中主要采用了观察法和访谈法。就调查结果而 言,目前杭州市幼儿园幼小衔接状况良好,指导意见中的大部分内容在大班的日常活动中都 有加以实施,从心理、生理层面为幼儿进入小学做准备。同时幼小衔接过程中仍旧存在一些 问题,因此为更好的做好幼小衔接工作,仍需各方共同努力,贯彻落实好浙江省幼小衔接指 导意见。89159
Abstract : It has recently been shown that convergence between kindergarten and primary school , which means the first-changing faced by the children , had considered the bridge that connects the childhood education and primary education 。 Moreover, a good result of this process has also great significance for the children growth and vice versa 。 In order to improve the current situation , the Education Department of Zhejiang has introduced a measure called “the guidance for the convergence between kindergarten and primary school” while has several requirements and provisions for nursery and elementary school 。This paper aim to examines the status of implementation of this measure , the research is base on the information, which has adopted the observations and the interviews , by Hangzhou kindergarten 。 In term of results , we have discovered that Hangzhou kindergarten have a certain understand on the measure , and has performed those contents in the daily activities of large classes , so as to prepare the primary school entrance from the psychological and physical level for toddlers 。 At the same time , there are also some problem in the implementation of certain parts ,which requires the joint efforts of all parties to fully implement the measure 。
毕业论文关键词:幼儿园; 幼小衔接; 指导意见;
Keyword:Kindergarten; the connect of nursery and primary; instruction;
目 录
第 1 章 前言 5
1。1 问题的提出 5
1。2 研究的目的 5
1。3 研究的意义 6
第 2 章 研究思路、方法、对象与工具 6
2。1 研究思路 6
2。2 研究源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 方法 6
2。2。1 文献法 6
2。2。2 观察法 6
2。2。3 访谈法 6
2。3 研究对象 7
2。3。1 观察法 7
2。3。2 访谈法 7
第 3 章 调查结果与分析 7
3。1 调查对象的基本情况统计 7
3。2 调查结果 8
3。2。1 大班幼儿各方面适应发展状况 8
3。2。2 幼儿园教师对幼小衔接及指导意见的看法 10
第 4 章 杭州市幼儿园幼小衔接状况调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_178184.html