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时间:2023-09-10 22:08来源:毕业论文

摘    要从幼儿园到小学,这是一个极为重要的阶段性的衔接。在这个阶段里,幼儿的身心都会有着很大的发展。本次研究主要以日本的幼小衔接至今的发展和方法对我国现阶段幼小衔接发展的启示为主,其中对我国现阶段出现的问题进行了分析,对日本幼小衔接发展的历程与有效的方法一一呈现出来。主要以文献法的研究方法进行了中国与日本幼小衔接的探究,发现了中国的发展历程与日本有相似之处,日本经过了不断地尝试、修改中得到了不错的发展,因此在这次研究中,让中国的幼小衔接能在此阶段中得到很好的发展,找到适合幼儿身心发展的道路。90174


Abstract From kindergarten to primary school, this is a very important stage of convergence。 In this stage, the child's body and mind will have great development。 This research takes the Japanese Kindergarten and the Enlightenment of the development of methods so far at this stage of China's development of the kindergarten, which analyzes the problems in present stage in our country, the course of Japanese young Convergence Development and effective method of one by one。 It is found that China's development process is similar to that of Japan, and Japan has been experimenting with it and has made a good development in the revision。 Therefore, in this study, , So that China's young convergence in this stage can be a very good development, to find suitable for children's physical and mental development of the road。 

In this study, we found that the problems of young and middle-aged convergence in our country are: the phenomenon of "primary school" in kindergarten, the unidirectionality of young convergence, the deviation of family education and the lack of national policy。 In Japan, the development of young convergence, we found that China can learn from the current stage: the policy of continuous improvement, teachers, bilateral cooperation, changes in social concepts, arrangements for training or inspection。

毕业论文关键词:幼小衔接; 日本; 启示; 幼儿教师; 小学教师

   Keyword: Young convergence; Japan; Revelation;  Kindergarten teacher; Primary School Teachers


一、问题提出 1

(一)研究背景 1

1。幼小衔接的重要性 1

2。我国幼小衔接的不足 1

3。日本幼小衔接的发展 2

(二)研究意义 3

(三)研究方法 3

1。文献法 3

2。案例分析法 3

3。问卷调查法 4

二、 我国幼小衔接的主要问题 4

(一)幼儿园“小学化” 4

(二)幼小衔接的“单向性” 5

(三)家庭教育的偏差 6

(四)国家政策的来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 欠缺 8

三、日本幼小衔接的方法 论日本幼小衔接对我国现阶段的启示:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_195993.html
