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时间:2023-11-11 10:15来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, it has made great changes in the acquisition, dissemination and application of knowledge。 More and more people recognize that the need for traditional classroom teaching has been unable to meet the learners。 The blended learning as a new way of learning fusion of network learning and the advantages of the traditional teaching not only provide students with a good learning environment, but also promote the reform of education and instruction。 WeChat, as the most popular communication application, because of its free and convenient, strong mobility and other characteristics, it can provide support for learning activities and widely be favored by learners。 This essay is mainly based on the existing researches at home and abroad; the definition of "mixed learning" were analyzed。 From the perspective of educational function of WeChat, we will construct the blended learning mode under the support of WeChat, and we would put the photography curriculum as an example to explore the feasibility of this model。

Key Words:WeChat, Learning mode, Blended learning


1 绪论 4

1。1 问题的提出 4

1。2 国内外混合学习研究现状 4

1。3 微信教育应用的研究现状 4

2 概念界定与研究理论基础 5

2。1 微信公众平台 5

2。2 混合学习的定义 5

2。3 混合学习的研究理论基础 6

3 基于微信平台的混合学习模式的建构 7

3。1前期分析 7

3。2教学过程设计 9

3。3教学效果评价 9

4 微信平台支持下的混合学习模式的应用 10

4。1 案例设计 10

4。2 案例分析 10

5 总结与展望 14

5。1 总结 14

5。2 展望 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16

1 绪论

1。1 问题的提出

在传统的课堂教学中,来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 大多都是教师在讲,学生在听,这就使得学生处于一个被动的学习状态,虽然这种教学模式有利于系统知识的传授,使教学任务能够顺利完成;但随着互联网技术逐渐成熟,越来越多的人意识到这种教条式教学模式不能真正有效地激发学生的学习兴趣,而且缺少有效的互动,问题不能得到及时的解决。相反,混合学习有效地结合互联网支持下的在线学习与传统教学的优势,为学生提供多样化的学习方式。而且根据最新的调查显示,微信使用的普及率越来越高,人们已经迈向微时代社会,微信将会大大的提高信息传输的速率,同时为学生的学习提供一个崭新的平台,那么他们就可以利用丰富的网络资源来随时随地的进行学习。 基于微信平台的混合学习模式研究以摄影课程为例:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_198437.html
