摘 要:课外辅导是学校教育衍生出来一种常见的教育模式,是对学校教育的必要补充,对学生的学习行为也有着不可忽略的作用。小学阶段是学生养成良好学习行为的重要阶段,在这一时期养成的学习习惯,将会伴随孩子的一生,并影响其学习能力的发展和学业成绩的高低。因此,研究课外辅导与小学生学习行为的关系,是小学生全面发展的重要方面,也是终身教育基础建设的起点。无论是家庭还是学校,都应该重视课外辅导对学生学习行为的影响。
Abstract:After class tutoring is a common educational model derived from school education。 It is a necessary complement to school education, and it cannot be ignored。 Primary school period is a key period to cultivate students' good learning behavior, has an important effect on the development of this period of learning habits of students on the merits of academic achievement, learning ability。 Therefore, it is an important aspect of the overall development of primary school students to study the relationship between extracurricular guidance and primary school students' learning behavior。 For primary school students, whether it is family or school, should pay attention to the influence of extracurricular guidance on students' learning behavior。 源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
Based on the domestic and foreign research on the extracurricular counseling situation, research content, research conclusion and research the differences were summed up, walked into the primary school, the harmonic analysis tutoring phenomenon through questionnaires and interviews, the survey found that the majority of students are involved in extracurricular counseling agencies experience, but tutoring institutions do not attach great importance to the cultivation of learning behavior in children, and parents are lack of attention on children learning behavior。 On this basis, to explore the development trend of persified mode of tutoring and school, family and school counseling agencies coordination strategy, so as to make students a correct understanding of the use of after-school tutoring, correct self-development, form good learning habits。
Key words: primary school students, after-school tutoring, learning behavior
目 录
1 前言 4
2 文献综述 5
2。1 课外辅导研究状况 5
2。2 学习行为研究状况 7
3 研究和发现 9
3。1 参加课外辅导机构的人数 9
3。2 参加课外辅导的原因 11
3。3 家长、课外辅导机构的教师、学校教师对学习行为的认识 12
3。4 课外辅导对学习行为的影响 14 课外辅导班与小学生学习行为关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_199323.html