摘 要:幼儿方言教育既能提高幼儿语言表达能力,又能有效传承方言文化。通过调查发现目前幼儿方言教育处于缺失状态,其主要由家庭、幼儿园、社会等因素造成。本文针对性提出以下策略:家庭方面要利用家庭优势,方言普通话并重教育;在家庭中培养幼儿倾听方言的能力;方言教育贴近幼儿生活,激发幼儿兴趣。幼儿园方面要创设良好环境,营造良好氛围;教师运用多种手段,有效展开教学;家园合作实施方言教学。社会方面要宣传保护与发展方言文化从小抓起;为不同人群提供学习当地方言文化的场所;在推普的同时提倡保护与发展方言文化。92715
Abstract:Preschool education can improve children's dialect language skills, while inheriting culture。 Through the survey found that the dialect dialect is a lack of education of children, which is mainly composed of family, kindergarten, caused by social factors。 This paper puts forward the following strategies: the family should use home advantage, and cultivate the ability of teaching Mandarin dialect; listening to children the dialect in the family; dialect education to the children's life, to stimulate children's interest。 The kindergarten should create a good environment and create a good atmosphere; teachers use a variety of methods, effective implementation of teaching; teaching cooperation。 Dialect Society should promote the protection and development of dialect culture from childhood; learning the local dialect and culture sites for different groups of people; to promote the protection and development of dialect culture at the same time。
Keywords:young children, dialect education,present situation,reason,strategy
目 录
1 前言2
2 方言的含义及幼儿方言教育的意义2
2。1 方言的含义2
2。2 幼儿方言教育的意义3
3 幼儿方言教育现状的调查分析3
3。1 家庭中幼儿方言教育的现状3
3。2 幼儿园中幼儿方言教育的现状4
3。3 幼儿使用方言的现状4
3。4 结果与分析4
4 幼儿方言教育缺失的原因5
4。1 家庭因素5
4。2 幼儿园因素6
4。3 社会因素6
5 幼儿方言教育的策略7
5。1 家庭方面7
5。2 幼儿园方面8
5。3 社会方面9
1 前言
汇报课的事情让笔者认为方言不应被带到幼儿课堂中来,但另一件事情又影响了这一看法。一次上课,任课老师播放了两节由上海幼儿教育名师——吴佳瑛老师上的公开课,视频中的吴佳瑛老师风趣幽默,与孩子互动积极、开放。在视频中,吴佳瑛老师时常为了更好的表达意思,穿插方言与幼儿进行交流,既言简意赅的表达了想说的话,又活跃了课堂气氛,拉近了与孩子之间的距离。 幼儿方言教育的现状及其策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_200418.html